



  1、保護和改善生活和生態環境protect and improve the living environment and the ecological environment

  2、保護珍貴動植物protect rare animals and plants

  3、普及環保知識popularize environmental protection knowledge

  4、增強環境意識enhance the awareness of the importance of environmental protection

  5、改善生態環境improve the eco-environment

  6、加強生態建設improve the eco-construction

  7、防治汙染prevent and control pollution

  8、加強水土保持reinforce the conservation of water and soil

  9、加強城市綠化strengthen the greening of the city

  10、提高環境管理水平raise the environmental management level

  11、享受國家一級保護enjoy first-class protection of the State

  12、加強環境保護strengthen environmental protection

  13、保持生態平衡keep ecological balance

  14、創造良好生態環境create apleasant ecological environment

  15、採用環保技術adopt environmental protection technique

  16、開展保護野生動物advocate to educate the public the protection of wild animals

  17、開展綠色活動 advocate green activities

  18、為大量野生動植物提供棲息地provide habitats for a huge number of wild animals and plants

  19、為人類提供水和食物supply water and food for human beings

  20、非常注重保護森林pay great attention to the conservation of forest

  21、產生巨大水文效應produce great hydrological effects

  22、引發一系列問題result in a series of problems

  23、幫助減緩全球變暖速度helps lowdown the pace of global warming

  24、保留為自然耕地reserve as natural farmland


  We live in the world every day. We eat food, drink water, wear clothes, watch TV, use computers and so on. We are producing waste every moment.

  Generally speaking, there are four sorts of waste. They are material waste, organic waste, inorganic waste and poisonous & harmful waste. Now, we are going to talk about each sort of waste one by one.

  Material waste: it means the waste of substance or things from which something else can be made. For example, people throw away the used metal products and buy a new one, so the old metal waste accumulates. At last, they become waste. For example, when people finish reading newspaper, the paper will become waste. When the glass is broken, it also becomes waste. Nobody wants to use a broken window or drink with a broken glass or wear a pair of broken glasses. Once it is broken, it becomes waste. The rate of using plastics is increasing day by day. People use plastic bags because they are convenient. When they get home, they throw the plastics way, paying no attention to the environment.

  The more convenience plastics brings to us, the more plastic waste is produced. This is called “white pollution” as most plastics are white. Some of our products we use every day are made of rubber, just like the tyres and the bottom part of our shoes. It’s true that rubber plays an important role in our life. However, it also brings us some trouble when it has been used for a long time and becomes old. The old tyres become waste because it can’t break down by nature. This is really a big problem.
