

  一. 根據句意,首字母提示補全單詞。(10)

  1.Iamh_____, Iwanttoeat .

  2. sheisag_____, Heisab______.

  3.Intheevening , Ihaves______

  4. Howm______pencilsdoyouhave ?

  5. MayIb_____yourpen,Jenny?

  6.What’s yourf______food ?Chicken .

  7. W_____ hatisthis ?It’sJenny’s .


  9. Ilikesugaronp_____ .

  10.Thanks, You’reW________.


  1.再見 ___ 2.我的新毛衣 ________________

  3.一條短褲 _________ 4.他的右手_______________

  5.大耳朵 __________ 6.多高 _______________

  7.金黃色的短髮 _______________

  8.黑色的大眼睛 _____________

  9.gotobed__________10.have lunch_________

  11.intheevening _________ 12. getup_________


  1. Ilivein _________ (Chinese)

  2.Whereis________(you )book?



  5. He______(have)longblackhair .


  7.I________(notlike)dumplings .

  8. Hewants________(open )thedoor.


  ()1. What’shisname? _______nameistom .

  A.HisB.My C.Her D.It

  ()2.I live______Gansu.

  A. at B. in C. of D.on

  ()3.______ishermother? Sheisathome .

  A. Where B.What C.How D.Which

  ()4.Howmany______doyouhave ?

  A. pens B. pen C.penes D. apen

  ()5.Whatcolour______ yourhair?

  A .be B. are C. is D. am

  ()6. Whatcolour are they?__________

  A. They’reredpen B. They’re black

  C. They’repen s D. They’re blackpens

  ()7.Are they new _______old?

  A. and B. of C. in D. or

  ()8.Thenew sweat is _______my mother.

  A. to B. of C. from D.in

  ()9.Your new dress is very nice!___________

  A.Yes, itis B. No.they aren’t

  C.Thankyou D.Of ,course

  ()10.Doyou feel happy?

  A.Yes,Iam B.NO,Iaren’tC.Yes, IdoD. NO, I doesn’t

  ()11.Whatwould you like_______lunch?

  A. in B.From C.for D. at

  ()12.He has _______.

  A.three bottle of pop B. three bottle of pop.

  C.therepops D.three bottles of pop

  ()13.Do you like tea or coffee?_________

  A.Yes,I doB.No,I don’t C.Yes,I likeD.tea

  ()14._______the morning .I ______ breakfast.

  A. on , eatb. in ,haveC.at,have D. at , has

  ()15.I _______vegetables. But I _________dumplings.

  A.like, don’t like B.likes, don’t like

  C. like, don’t D. don’tlike,

  ()16.We don’t have _____milk here.

  A. some B. a C. the D. any

  ()17.Do you like a cup ______tea?

  A.of B. in C./ D. on

  ()18.---- How _____for one donut?

  ---One yuan.I’ll _____five ,please.

  A. many, haveB.much, wantC. much ,takeD.tall, have

  ()19. They do ____ homeworkonSundays.

  A. my B. his C. our D. their

  ()20. Tom ,_______is Li ming, ______ismy friend.

  A. this, heB. that,sheC. this, it D.she,he


  ( )1.Thanksyouverymuch.________

  A B C D

  ( )2.Thisis aorange._____________

  A B C D

  ()3.Wouldyoulikesomenoodles?No,I don’t

  A B C D

  ( )4.What’shefavouritecolour? ________

  A B C D

  ( )5.Howtallareyourmother ? ________

  A B C D


  1.It’s lunch time (同義詞)

  It’stime ____________.


  _____ _____________apple.



  4.I’d like some dumplingsfor lunch (對劃線提問)

  _____ ______ you_____ ______lunch.

  5.The coat is forty yuan (對劃線提問)

  _____ _____ is the coat ?

  6.Tom’s pants are black.( 對劃線提問)

  ____________________Tom’s pants.

  7.Ilike coffee.(一般疑問句)

  _______you _______ coffee.

  8.My favourite foodischicken. (對劃線提問)

  _______________favourite food?

  9. We have some red desks (否定句)

  Wedon’t have__________ red desks


  I’m a girl .My name is Jenny. Ilive in Canada ,I’m short ,I’m 1.2 metrestall.

  I have short ,blond, hair .What colour are my eyes? They are blue.

  I’m wearing a white skirt and a purple shirt.My favourite colour is blue.

  ( )1.Jenny live in china.

  ( )2.Her hair is long and blond.

  ( )3.Sheis a nice gril.

  ( )4. She like blue colour.

  ( )5.She is tall.


