



  1、          2、

  3、          4、

  5、          6、


  1.Is this a library?No, it’s not. It’s the_________.

  A:teacher’s officeB: computer room C: washroom

  2. It’s eight o’clock. It’s time to __________.

  A: go to school  B:get up  C: have breakfast

  3. Where is my _________? Oh, it’s on the sofa.

  A:skirt    B: shirt     C: dress

  4. It’s ______ today. Put on your coat.

  A:hot   B: cool     C: cold

  5. Look at the T-shirt. It’s _______.

  A: pretty    B: cheap    C: expensive

  6. How many horses are there?There are________.

  A: twenty   B: thirteen   C: twelve

  7. Oh, it’s_________. It’s time to go to bed.

  A: 8:50   B: 9:35     C: 9:45

  8.Can I wear my______ in the classroom?No, you can’t.

  A: slippers    B:sandals    C: boots


  1. ( )  Let’s go to the playground play football.

  ( )  Let’s go to the gym play football.

  2. ( )  I like the T-shirt. It’s colourful.

  ( )  I like the jeans. They are cheap.

  3. ( )  It’s rainy in London . Put on your boots.

  ( )  It’s windy in New York. Put on your jacket.

  4.  ( )  Are these sheep? No, they aren’t.

  ( )  Are those sheep? No, they aren’t.

  5.  ( )  I like tomatoes. Juicy and red.

  ( )  I like carrots. Yummy and orange.


  ( )They are too small.

  ( )No, they aren’t.

  ( )Are they your shoes?

  ( ) what colour are they?

  ( )They are colourful.

  ( )Where are my shoes?


  A: What can you see in the picture?

  B: I can see a     , a     , a      a

  and a     .



  s __ nny    __ oar__   so__ __ s  __ __ __ ture

  m __ th     __ __ enty     w__ __ m  j __ __ s六.根據句子的意思,選出正確的答案,並將答案寫在括號中。9%

  1.Let’s go to the _______, have some chicken.

  A: TV room   B: canteen   C: art room

  2. Can I wear my _____ today?Yes, you can. It’s very hot.

  A:T-shirt    B: jacket   C: sweater

  3. It’s ________ today. Let’s make a snowman.

  A: sunny   B: snowy     C: cloudy

  4. Look at the pants. They are 10 yuan. They are ________。

  A: cheap   B: pretty    C: expensive

  5. I don’t like ______. They are smelly and white.

  A: tomatoes   B: potatoes    C: onions

  6. Put your Chinese book in your bag. We have the ________ today!

  A: English class  B: music class   C: Chinese class


  What time is it?          No,they aren’t

  Is this the washroom?       It’s 99 yuan.

  How much is it?         It’s sunny.

  What’s the weather like today?     I have 100.

  Are they cows?        Yes, it is.

  How many donkeys do you have?    It’s 10 A.M.


  It’s 8:30. It’s time for English class.

  What color is it?It’s white.


  1.I can see a     and a in the room.

  2. It’s   o’clock. It’s time for    class.

  3. Oh, the ball is so     .

  4. I like    s and    s. They are yummy!

  十、根據短文判斷下面的句子是否正確,對的打√ ,錯的打 。6%

  Dear Jack,

  It’s hot in London. I wear my yellow T-shirt and pretty white skirt. It’s sunny today. I go to the farm with my mother. The farm is beautiful. There are twelve cows, fifteen hens, eleven sheep and thirteen lambs at the farm.

  How about you?



  1. It’s sunny and hot in London.         (  )

  2. Jenny wears a white T-shirt.          (  )

  3. Jenny’s skirt is pretty.           (  )

  4. There are fourteen hens and eleven sheep at the farm.  (  )
