


  一、 選擇你所聽到的選項,聽一遍。(5分)

  (    ) 1.   A. b              B. d              C. e

  (    ) 2.   A. q              B. g              C. j

  (    ) 3.   A. MBA           B. NBA          C. CBA

  (    ) 4.   A. color           B. clock           C. black

  (    ) 5.   A. 2331-0745       B. 2631-0747      C. 3661-0945

  二、 聽問題,選答案。(5分)

  (    ) 1. A. It’s a key.       B. It’s my key.    C. It’s key.

  (    ) 2. A. b-a-g           B. It’s a bag.     C. B-A-G

  (    ) 3. A. Yes, he is.       B. No, he is.     C. No, he’s my brother.

  (    ) 4. A. On the desk.     B. It’s on the desk. C. They’re on desk.

  (    ) 5. A. Yes, they are.    B. They are blue.  C. They’re rulers.

  三、 根據所聽內容,選擇與對話及問題相符的'選項,聽兩遍。(10分)

  (    ) 1. What’s this?

  A. It’s a pen.         B. It’s a pencil.      C. It’s a pencil sharpener.

  (    ) 2.What are red?

  A. Desks.           B. Backpacks.       C. We.

  (    ) 3.Where is the notebook?

  A. In the bed.        B. On the bed.       C. Under the bed.

  (    )4. Is Mrs Green Lucy’s mother?

  A. Yes, she is.        B. No, she isn’t.     C. Yes, he is.

  (    ) 5. What color is Tom’s hat?

  A. Blue.            B. White.           C. Blue and white.






  1. L (    )     2. P (    )    3. CD (    )    4. RMB (    )   5. BBC (    )

  A. 停車(區)  B. 英國廣播公司

  C. 人民幣     D. 鐳射唱片     E. 大號

  四、 單項選擇。(10分)

  (    ) 1. 選出字母順序正確的一項:

  A. rstvuw            B. rstuvw          C. rtsuvw

  (    ) 2. What’s this      English? A. an               B. on              C. in

  (    ) 3. She has an       .

  A. map             B. oranges          C. uncle

  (    ) 4.--- ______is my notebook?—It’s in the drawer.

  A. Where           B. What            C. What color

  (    ) 5. Thank you ______ your dictionary.

  A. to               B. at               C. for

  (    ) 6.  Are ______ her parents?

  A. this              B. these            C. she

  (    ) 7. A ping-pong ball and a tennis        under the bed.

  A. is                B. am             C. are

  (    ) 8. ---Is this a key?   --- ______.

  A. No, it isn’t.        B. It’s a ruler       C. Yes, it’s.

  (    ) 9. Your jacket is very (非常) beautiful (漂亮).

  A. Where?           B. No.            C. Thank you.

  (    ) 10. Which is right (正確)?

  A. These is my books.  B. Are they your pen? C. Are those his rulers?--Yes, they are.


  (    ) 1. How are you?                     A. No, she doesn’t.

  (    ) 2. Good morning!                    B. Fine, thanks.

  (    ) 3. Do you have a ball?                C. It’s a pen.

  (    ) 4. What’s her name?                  D. It’s Amy.

  (    ) 5. What color are the pens?            E. Nice to meet you!

  (    ) 6. Nice to meet you!                  F. Good morning!

  (    ) 7. Is this a green pen?                 G. Yes, I do.

  (    ) 8. What’s this in English?              H. Yes, it is.

  (    ) 9. Where’s the pen?                   I. They’re green.

  (    )10. Does your mother watch TV?         J. It’s in the bag.


  A. How do you spell it?     B. Is this a case?        C. What’s it?

  D. What’s your phone number?.         E. Hello, my name is Steve.

  A:     (1)

  B: Hello. Steve.

  A: What’s your name?

  B: Jim Harold.

  A:     (2)

  B: H-A-R-O-L-D.

  A:     (3)

  B: It’s 62975463.

  A:     (4)

  B: No, it isn’t.

  A:     (5)

  B: It’s a computer.

  A: Thank you.


  My name is Bill.    1   an English boy.  Here is a photo   2   my family. Let’s look at it. My father is in the red hat, he is a teacher (教師). My mother is near(在……附近) my father,   3   is a teacher, too. I have two   4   . They are Kate and Gina. They have a baseball. It’s under the table  5  the floor . They often (經常)   6   baseball .

  (    ) 1.  A. Im                   B. I’am               C. I’m

  (    ) 2.  A. in                B. of                 C. at

  (    ) 3.  A. her            B. he                C. she

  (    ) 4.  A. sisters             B. sister           C. a sister

  (    ) 5.  A. on            B. in              C. under

  (    ) 6.  A. plays             B. play a           C. play


  Look at this . Here’s a pencil case, it’s orange, it’s my pencil case, it’s on the desk.

  Look! This is a pen, it’s black. And this is an eraser, it’s blue and white. They’re both

  (都) in the pencil case. This is a ruler, it’s red, it’s on the pencil case. That is a ruler, too.

  It’s yellow. It’s in the drawer. Where’s my math book? Ah, it’s there, under the sofa.

  (    ) 1. This is         pencil case.

  A. my               B. her            C. his

  (    ) 2. The yellow ruler

  A. in the backpack    B. in the drawer     C. on the pencil case

  (    ) 3.        in the pencil .

  A. A pen is          B. An eraser        C. A and B are

  (    ) 4. The       is orange.

  A. pen              B. pencil           C. pencil case

  (    ) 5. Where is my English book?

  A. Under the sofa     B. On the desk       C. Sorry, I don’t know.


  A 根據漢語提示寫出單詞的正確形式。

  1. My aunt’s son is my            . (堂兄)

  2. I have many            . (手錶)

  3. She is my            friend. (好的)

  4.             the boy to his school. (帶走)

  5. Is            your grandfather. (他)

  B 根據所給字母和句子,把字母組合成正確的單詞。

  6. Are those your           ?  (cairsh)

  7. Let’s play tennis. ---OK, it           interesting. (ssnuod)

  8. I have           clocks on the table. (heret)

  9. She has a red            .(tepiruc)

  10.What’s your            name? (lifmay)

  十、任務型閱讀。 根據短文內容填寫表格。(4分)

  My name’s Ye Zilu. I am a boy. I am twelve. My telephone number is 0577-62985462. I have a great collection.I have some volleyballs, basketballs, soccer balls, tennis rackets and ping-pong bats. But yesterday (昨天) I lost a volleyball. I am very sad (傷心). Do you know where it is?


  His first name

  His last name

  His phone number






  3、要有on, in, under等表示方位的介詞。



  一、1-5 BBABB          二、1-5 ACAAB        三、1-5 CBBBC


  三、1-5 EADCB         四、1-5 BCCAC  6-10 BCACC

  五、BFGDIEHCJA     六、EADBC      七、CBCAAC       八、ABCCC

  九、1. cousin    2.watches    3.good      4.Take       5.he

  6.chairs     7.sounds     8.three      9. picture    10. family

  十、1. a ( his ) volleyball            2. Zilu      3. Ye        4. 0577-62985462
