



  ( )1.__________ it was rainy , they went to the cinema to see a film .

  A Before B Because C Though D After

  ( )2.I think Edison was a(n) _____ person , he invented so many things in his life .

  A creative B honestC energetic D funny

  ( )3.----Where should I ____ the flight , sir ?

  -----Let me look , Oh , at the gate of 12 over there .

  A realise B refuse C board D .rewrite

  ( )4.I feel ____ when I am at home by myself .I want my parents to be with me .

  A worried B pleasedC lonely D untidy

  ( )5. ----Yesterday my hand hurt and I went to the hospital .

  ----- Really ? _________________.

  A What a shame B It’s nice of you

  C Rather you than me D I am sorry to hear that

  ( )6.The room has a great ______ of the mountains , I often sit inside and look out of the windows.

  A name B time C place D view

  ( )7.The teacher call all the students to be _____ in the class .

  A quiet B clear C awakeD alone

  ( )8.The man looks after the baby very well , _____ he is her real father .

  A as if B even ifC such asD as a result

  ( )9.Look , Sally is sitting __________ her friends .

  A between B among C beside D front

  ( )10.New year is a ______ holiday , all the people in the world celebrate it .

  A new B old C national D public

  ( )11.Mozart could play the violin on _____ own at the age of 5.

  A his B him C himself D he

  ( )12.After the accident , We have to send the _______ people to the hospital quickly .

  A happy B injured C local D lonely

  ( )13.In modern society , computers are very important _____ for us .They are very useful

  A ideas B tools C worksD problems

  ( )14.-------- -_________?

  ---------- There was something wrong with my leg .

  A what did you do ?B Why did you bet ?

  C. What happened to you ? D Why did you do that ?

  ( )15.My grandparents love me very much , they want to do _____ for me .

  A nothing B everything C nothing D anything

  ()16.I will go to England for a trip next week !___________.

  A Good idea B Don’t be silly

  C So would I D Have a safe trip

  ( )17. I think you can do it better ____ you do it more carefully .

  A unless B if C before D though

  ( )18.He has worked for 19 hours , he needs to stop __________.

  A working B to work C rest D to rest

  ( )19. Could you tell me _____________? Yes,go straight , turn right , you will find it .,

  A where was the hotel ?B What’s wrong with you ?

  C. how I can go to the hotel ?D Where is the hotel ?

  ( )20.Don’t ______ your son , he will be better soon .

  A worry about B stay cool C laugh at D feel like

  II.完型填空(一) (本題共10小題,每小題1分,滿分10分)


  Coffee has been a part of People’s lives for _1___ years ,and it is still a favourite drink in the world. Here is a story of coffee and __2_ it was discovered ,

  The story _3_ us coffee was discovered in Africa long __4_. One day a farmer __5_ his goats , and he saw them __6 berries (種子) from a plant . The goats became ____7_ after they ate the berries . The man often felt tired ,__8__ he decided to try the berries , too . _____9____, he didn’t feel tired any more . Coffee plants were thus discovered . The coffee wa taken from Africa to _____countries in Europe and America .After that the farmers started to grow the plants there , especially in South America .

  ( )1.A thousand ofB thousand C thousands of D a thousand of

  ( )2.A how B whyC what D who

  ( )3.A saysB speaks Ctalks Dtells

  ( )4.A time ago B times ago C time before D time later

  ( )5.A watch B watchesC was watchingD is watching

  ( )6.A eat B eats C ateDhas eaten

  ( )7.A very tired Bvery active C badly ill Dfast asleep

  ( )8.A but B orC because D so

  ( )9.A for his great surprise B With great surprise

  C to his great surprise D on his great surprise

  ( )10.A another B otherC othersD the other

  III.閱讀理解(一) (本題共15小題,每小題2分,滿分30分)



  Thirty years ago. Lake Ponkapog was full of life. Many birds and animals lived beside the water, which was full of fish. Now there are few birds, animals and fish. The lake water is polluted. It is filled with strange plants.

  How did this happen? First, we must think about how water gets into Ponkapog. When it rains,water comes into the lake from all around. In the past, there were forests all around Lake Ponkapog, so the rainwater was clean.

  Now there are many homes around the lake. People often use chemicals in their gardens. They use other chemicals inside their houses for cleaning of killing insects(昆蟲).

  There are also many businesses.Businesses use chemicals in their-machines or shops. When it rains, the rainwater picks up all the chemicals from homes and businesses and then carries them into the lake. So more bad chemicals go into the water this way.

  People around the lake love their lake and want to save it. Will it be possible? A clean lake must have clean rainwater going into it. Clean rainwater is possible only if people are careful about chemicals at home and at work. They must also be more careful about gas and oil and other chemicals on the ground, and they mustn't use motorboats any more on the lake. All these may change people's lives. Only then can Lake Ponkapog be a beautiful clean lake again.

  1 .In the past the water in Lake Ponkapog was made clean by ______.

  A. fish B. rain C. birds D. forests

  2. From the fourth paragraph we know that _______.

  A. people like to go boating on the lake

  B. some bad chemicals are important to the lake

  C. chemicals-from motorboats also make the lake water dirty

  D. how oil gets into the lake water

  3. To save the lake, people need to __________.

  A. use less water

  B. changed their daily lives

  C. grow fewer plants in the gardens

  D. be less careful about chemicals

  4. "Chemicals" in the story means ___________.

  A. 汙染品 B. 化學家 C.藥品 D.化學制品

  5. What makes the lake water dirty?

  A. Chemicals B. Strange plantsC. RainwaterD. Both A and B


  You may hear about earthquakes , but do you know what to do before ,during and after an earthquake,? Here is some adivice for you .

  Before an earthquake : It is necessary to prepare yourself and your family . All family members should know how to turn off gas (煤氣),water and electrity and know useful telephone numbers (doctor, hospital , police , 119 , etc.) Never put heavy things over beds .

  During an earthquakeIt is important for each of you to stay cool .If you are indoors , quickly move to a safe place in the room such as under a strong desk or strong table. The purpose is to protect yourself from falling objects. Stay away from windows, large mirrors , heavy furniture(傢俱) and so on . If you are cooking , turn off the gas .

  If you are outdoors , move to an open area like a playground. Mobe away from buildings , bridges and trees . If you are driving ,stop the car as soon as possible , staying away from bridges and tall buildings . Stay in your car .

  After an earthquake Once the shaking has stopped . Don’t run out of the building at once . It’s better to wait and leave when it is safe .

  Check around you and help people who are in trouble . If your building is badly broken you should leave it .If you smell or hear a gas , get everyone outside and open windows and doors . If you can do it safely , turn off the gas.Report it to the gas company .

  ( )6 Which of the following is mentioned in the second paragraph ?

  A People should know how to turn on gas

  B.People should know how to save water .

  C.Poele shouldn’t put heavy boxes over beds .

  D.People shouldn’t forget the phone number ofothers .

  ( )7.When an earthquakehappens , _____ can help you deal with it.

  A standing still B staying coolC looking outside D moving indoors

  ( )8.During an earthquake , if you are driving in an open area , you should _____.

  A speed up your car B stop your car and stay in C slow down you car D stop your car and run out

  ( )9.When the earth stops shaking , you should ___

  A check around you firstB run out of the building at onceC vreak windows and doors D write a report to your company

  ()10. You can learn _____ after reading the passage .

  A whant an earthquake is like

  B what to do to avoid an earthquake

  C. How an earthquake happens

  D how to protect yourself in an earthquake


  Scientists have dicovered the world’s funniest joke ! Dr Wiseman , from Oxford University in Britain , . created a website with jokes on it . He then asked people to rate (定級) the jokes from 1( not very funny ) yo 5 ( very funny ). People could also tell their onw jokes . At the end of one year , Wiseman has two million ratings and 40,000 jokes from around the world .

  Why study jokes ? Dr Wiseman thinks humor can tell us a lot about people. In Wiseman ‘s experiment (實驗), people from different countries did think different hokes were funny . for example, Europeans rated jokes about serious topics like death “Very funny “. North Americans laughed most at jokes that made fun of people . So , wtaht was the world’s funniest joke ?

  Two men were hunting , sundernly, one man falls down and isn’t moving The other man calls for help on his mobile phone .”Help !” The man says “ I think my friend is dead !”” I can help you “says the woman on the phone ,”first , are you sure your friedn is dead ?”It’s quiet for a minute . Then the woman hears a gunshot (槍聲). The man returns to the phone “Yes, he is dead . Now what ?”

  In Dr Wiseman’s experiment , people from a number of countries , old and young , men and women , all thought this jike was very funny . What about you ?

  ( ) 11.How did Dr Wiseman find the funniest joke in the world ?

  A He asked different scientists for their ideas .

  B He asked people to rate jokes on the website.

  C.He asked his students about their favourite jokes .,

  D.He seachered the Internet and chose it by himself .

  ( )12. What kind of jokes mad Europeans laugh most ?

  A jokes about hunting B jokes about people

  C jokes about telephoning D jokes about death

  ( )13.Which of the following can best desribe the mand calling for help in the joke ?

  A He is foolish B he id confident C he is clever D He is dishonest

  ( )14.What can we learn from the passage ?

  A The womdn told the man to kill his friend

  B Dr Wiseman wasn’t interested in Asia jokes

  C All the people in the world liked jokes about death

  D. Dr Wiseman studied jokes to know about people

  ( )15.How many ratings did the Dr Wiseman get ?

  A 40,000 B 200,000C 2, 000,000 D 4000

  IV. 情景交際(本題共5小題,每小題2分,滿分10分)


  Jim : Who is the richest man in the world , do you know ?

  Tony : No, I don’t . ____1_____

  Jim : It’s an American called Bill Gates .

  Tony : I don’t know anything about him .

  Jim : You don’t know anything about him ? Well , you shouldn’t . ___2_____.

  Tony: Microsoft ? What’s that ?

  Jim : You don’t know about Microsoft? It’s the biggest , most important computer company in the world . Bill Gates is rich because people all over the world use Microsoft products in their compuers .

  Tony : Oh yes . I know Microsoft.______3_________?

  Jim:Because he is a very special man . He is very rich , but he’s also very kind. He wants to give most his money away so that he can help other people .

  Tony : Does he ? That’s very good of him . _______4_______

  Jim : Yes , they do . But Bill and his wife Melinda think it’s important to help people . You know , their money has helped more than 670,000 people all over the world .

  Tony :_________

  Jim : It’s true . They have given away more money than anyone else in the world .

  Tony :Well , they are wonderful people . When can I meet them ?

  A. But why are you telling me about Bill Gates ?

  B. He is the head of tf Microsoft .

  C Why does he send away his money ?

  D Most rich people want to keep their money !

  E who is it ?

  F Do they like money ?

  G No , I don’t believe that !

  V. 完型填空(二)(本題共13小題,每小題1分,滿分13分)


  everywhere, another, visit, , Food, history, make, experience, people

  In the past , people used to travel to foreign countries because they thought they would be different in many ways – the buildings , the_1____, the national dressed and so on . At present , however , one large city is similar to _2____. They all have their Hilton or Sheraton Hotels everywhere . They all have their McDonald’s , their KFCs and their Pizza hunts . Office buidings look the same___3___, and most city centers full of office buidings , And of course , people are driving the same brands(品牌) of Japanese or European cars .

  Then what is the foreign travel for ? What do tourists hope to ______4_____in a foreign country that they can’t experience at home ? The answer could be that people are very interested in the past. It is a nation’s _____5_____and culture that are the main attractions . Most people travel oversea to find out what foreign countries history and cultures used to be like , not what they are like today .Tourists try to learn the history and culture of foreign countries by visiting different kinds of museums.

  Every counrty also has its own beautiful places for tourists to ____6_____. Their own special scenery(風景) would certainly attract tourists from other countries.

  Finally , there is perhaps a country ‘s attraction:It’s people . A country is not just its old buildings , its works of art or beautiful places , it’s also the ______7_____who lve in it. This is why a country such as Thailand attracts millions of people . The tourists come mainly because of the friendness of the people there .It is why the Pacific islands are also so popular. The friendly , smiling people __8____visitors feel welcome .


  On a cold winter afternoon , I was walking home from a surpermarket. I was feeling a little tired ,as I was carrying my shopping bags. They were so heavy _____I decided to stop to have a rest in the park . I walked towards the gate of the park . I noticed a man walking out of the restaurant in front of me .He was holdinga paper bag . He walked to a nearby dustbin (垃圾箱) and started looking through it .

  I suddenly felt sad . I knew the man would take all that he could get , so I went up to him and__________ him some fruit . The man , with wrinkles (皺紋) on his face , looked up in surprise and took what I gave him.

  A big______ appeared on his face and I felt very happy . Then he said “Wow ! First someone gave me this sandwich, then this drink , and now some delicious fruit . This is my daughter’s lucky day . Thank you, boy .” Then he went________ , singing a song .’

  Just then , I understood what the saying “Giving is getting” really meant. Everyone in the world needs help , everyone can offer help and everyone will be helped by showing kindness. Giving sometimes doesn’t cost ______ , but it means a lot to the people who you help .

  The man’s happiness at that moment comes into my mind every time I have the chance to help others .



  Do you have a mobile phone ? Do you send text meaasges to your friends and family ?

  Text messaging or “texting “(簡訊), is becoming very popular . But, scientists have discovered that texting can give us problems with our hands . Be careful ! Too much texting can cause swelling (腫脹) in our thumbs (拇指). Our thumbs were not made for pushing small buttons , over and over. Scientists call this problem RSI(重複性緊張勞損).We spoke to a doctor called harriet Wilson , who treats many sick people with RSI .(6) She says that we need to see how much time we are spending in typing text messages.If we are spending more that 10-15 minutes at once , we could have peoblems in the future .

  (7)As mobile phones develop , they are getting small with buttons closer together . Texting with a smaller phone ,. Is it worse than using a larger phone with bigger buttons . Using a computer keyboard and playing video games can cause the same problem . So more and more people could find themselves with RSI. Among them , most are university students and teenagers , as they do not know the risks of spending so much time using computers , video games and mobile phones . If we don’t do something about this , too many young people could grow up in terrible pain .

  According to the passage , what is becoming popular now ?


  Does the word “Once “ mean “one time” in the second passage ?


  What kind of people are easier to have the problem of RSI ?


  What can also cause RSI except texting ?






  A. 句子翻譯。根據下面各題所給漢語意思用英語完成句子。(共5小題,每題2分,滿分10分)

  1. 我真的很期盼著去北京看長城。

  I am really ________________________ the Great Wall in Beijing .


  He is _________ young ______ he can’t dress himself .


  Geopraphy teacher said that _____________________________.

  4.儘管天冷 ,他們還是出去散步了。

  _______________ the cold weather , they went outo to have a walk .










  Some UK high school students will come to our cshool during the summer holidays . To help them ,I_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  26中林秀晶 -------2009.06


  1.______2._____ 3.______ 4.______5.______ 6.______ 7.______ 8.______ 9.______10._____11.____12._____13.______14._____15._____16.______17._____18._____19.______20.______

  完形填空(一) (本題共10小題,每小題1分,滿分10分)

  1.______2._____ 3.______ 4.______5.______ 6.______ 7.______ 8.______ 9.______10._______

  III閱讀理解(一) (本題共15小題,每小題2分,滿分30分)

  1.______2._____ 3.______ 4.______5.______ 6.______ 7.______ 8.______ 9.______10._______11.____12._____13.______14._____15._____

  IV. 情景交際(本題共5小題,每小題2分,滿分10分)

  1. ___________2. __________3. ____________4. ___________5. ______________

  V. 完形填空(二)(本題共13小題,每小題1分,滿分13分)

  A.1._________ 2._________3.________ 4.________ 5.___________ 6.__________ 7._________8._____9.________10___11_________12________13_________-



  2.________________ _________________________________-

  3. __________________________________________________

  4. ___________________________________________________--


  6. _____________________________________________________________-


  VII. 寫(滿分25分)

  A. 句子翻譯。(16分)







  B ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



  1-5 CACCD 6-10 DAABD11-15 ABBCB16-20DBDCA

  II. 完形填空(一) (本題共10小題,每小題1分,滿分10分)

  1-5 CADAC6-10 ABDCB

  III. 閱讀理解(一) (本題共15小題,每小題2分,滿分30分)

  1-5 D C B A D 6-10 CBBAD11-15 BDADC

  IV. 情景交際(本題共5小題,每小題2分,滿分10分)

  1-5 E B A D G

  V. 完形填空(二)(本題共13小題,每小題1分,滿分13分)

  Afood, another, everywhere, experience, history, visit, people, make

  B.,that ,gave, smile away, much



  Yes , it does .

  Unviersity students and teenagers .

  Using a computer keyboard and playing video games .





  1. looking forward to seeing 2. so that

  3. the earth travels around the sun4. in spite of

  5.What made you so interested in music ?
