

  下面瑞文網小編為大家的是2015 年廣東廣州中考英語作文及其範文,僅供參考。

  書面表達(共 1 題,滿分 15 分)

  你校將開設一些特色課程, 學生可根據興趣進行選擇。請根據以下內容提示為學 校英文網頁寫一篇短文,介紹這些課程、提出你建議增設的課程並說明理由。

  Students in our school are free to choose some special courses accord

  ing to their interest. … 注意:1. 參考詞彙:模型製作 model making 2. 詞數 80 左右(文章開頭已給出,不計入詞數); 3. 不得透露學校、姓名等任何個人資訊,否則不予評分。

  【參考範文 1】Students in our school are free to choose some special courses according to their interest. Students who want to have strong bodies as well as develop their teamwork spirit can choose to attend the football course because this course encourages students to work together. Those who look for a chance to practice their oral English can attend the English drama course. What?s more, it will provide them chances to act out some interesting plays. Besides, for those who want to know more about science and increase their interest, we will also have a model making course. In my opinion, I strongly suggest that we should have an International course as well. It is a good opportunity for us to broaden our horizons and I think it is a good chance to improve our foreign language skills.

  【參考範文 2】Students in our school are free to choose some special courses according to their interest. First of all, the football course is the best choice if you like playing football. When you play football, you can take regular exercise and build up your body. At the same time, playing football can develop your teamwork spirit because you can learn how to help each other. What?s more, English play course is a good choice for the students who like English. In the class, it is a good chance for the students to learn acting and improve oral English. If you want to develop an interest in science, you?d better choose model making course. When you make some models, you can learn more about the science. In my opinion, we should have a reading course as well, because we can learn plenty of knowledge from books. If we read more books, we will become smarter and smarter.dim-sum, seafood and so on. The more I knew about the food culture of Guangzhou ,the prouder I felt about being part of Guangzhou.
