

  1,stay dry:別讓雨淋溼了。很口語方式,需要語境才可以用

  不過那個男的可以stay dry,但是damon要做壞事了

  2,I feel completely and undeniably wide awake. 完全清醒過來


  undeniable [,?ndi'nai?bl] adj. 1. 不可否認的;無可爭辯的2. 確實優秀的,的確好的,地道的undeniably [,?ndi'nai?bli] adv.to an undeniable degree or in an undeniable manner :she is undeniably the most gifted student in the class 3,it was passed down through the family.這是家裡傳下來的。是這個吸血鬼自己儲存的。liar

  4,i am sorry to interrupt 抱歉打擾你們了。看見沒有,就算要向情敵挑戰前,禮貌還是在的

  5,feel free to conjure up his name and number of that guy from last night要是能隨意把昨天那傢伙的電話和名字召喚出來多好。carolina還沒不知道遇見that guy是個惡夢

  conjure up1. 用魔法召喚,使鬼神出現;魔法似的變出: The old man conjured up a bag of silver coins from his pocket.老人像變戲法似的從衣袋裡掏出一包銀幣。2. 使想起,使在腦海中出現: He often conjured up visions of his boyhood days.他常常回憶自己童年時的情景。

  6,I was just wondering how Vicki's doing since you guys are so close :我只是好奇V怎麼樣了因為你們關係不錯啊

  J 剛從醫院剛回來,怎麼能不清楚。就是要教訓這個T(未來的`werewolf這個傢伙還有很多戲呢)

  7,I mean that's a kind of hard to do 我的意思是優點不太可能 這個小姨被老師責問。

  8,he's moody,withdrawn,argumentative,hungover他喜怒無常。孤僻,好爭論,宿醉(形容叛逆小男孩的詞)

  9,you blacked out.你暈了過去。(Damon,故意給stefan出難題哦)

  10,profound [pr?u'faund] adj.1. 很深的;深深的2. (興趣等)深厚的;深切的;深刻的3. 深奧的;淵博的;造詣深的4. 意味深長的;意義深遠的

  1. showing intellectual penetration or emotional depths; from the depths of your being the differences are profound a profound insight a profound book a profound mind profound contempt profound regret

  11.I am sorry for barging in很抱歉擅自闖入。(Damon故意嚇唬Elena.D的確有那麼點壞哦)

  12,he is not one to brag:他不是愛講的人 哈哈 damon背後給弟弟設陷阱啊

  13,I see why my brother's so smitten:我明白我弟弟為什麼著迷你了(D啊,你真是說出自己的心裡話了,你為什麼會迷上他)

  14,I am a fatalist我是個宿命論者(Damon如果相信這些就不會有後來的故事了)

  15,you on the other hand look pooped你相反看著是精疲力盡了(D你不斷地給S出難題,當然會精疲力盡了)

  16,the comet,it has been travelling acrross space for thousands of years,all alone:彗星,在太空旅行了數千年,孤單單的

  17,Then the sun came up,and reality set in 太陽出來了,現實生活又開始了。(美女ELENA你說錯了,太陽出來了,圍繞你的吸血鬼依然在啊)

  18 she is a big on texting,她喜歡發簡訊(bonnie將發現S是個吸血鬼,哈哈。這個小巫女很重要)

  19,what brought this on? 你為什麼突然提這個?20,cocky much:Carolina,你還不知道Damon不是過分驕傲,而是操縱
