




  1. 陳述句中有系動詞be、助動詞be, have / has, do, will, would, shall, should, had或情態動詞can, could, may, might, must, dare, need, ought時,將這些系動詞、助動詞或情態動詞移到句首,並在句末加上問號。如:

  I'll go to the History Museum this afternoon. — Will you go to the History Museum this afternoon? 今天下午你去了歷史博物館嗎?

  I visited Beijing last month. — Did you visit Beijing last month? 上個月你參觀了北京嗎?


  (1) 當回答could, would所提的問題時,一般用can, will. 如:

  —Could you help me with my homework this evening? —Yes, I can. / No, I can't.

  —Would you go there right now? —Yes, I will. / No, I won't.

  在對方向你表示邀請時,可用OK, sorry等來替代Yes,No.

  (2) 在對用may所提問題的否定回答時,一般用mustn't / can't;而在對用 must所提的問題進行否定回答時,一般用needn't / don't have to. 如:

  —May I use your bike now? —Yes, you may. / No, you can't. (mustn't)

  —Must I stay at school this afternoon? —Yes, you must. / No, you needn't (don't have to).

  2. 原陳述中沒有系動詞be、助動詞be, have / has, do, will, would, shall, should had或情態動詞can, could, may, might, must, dare, need, ought時,則在句首加助動詞Do的適當形式,同時,將謂語動詞變為原形動詞。如:

  We speak Chinese. — Do you speak Chinese? 你講漢語嗎?

  I went shopping yesterday. —Did you go shopping yesterday? 昨天你去買東西了嗎?

  3. 原陳述句中,若謂語動詞是have / has, 則須考慮have / has的意義。如果have / has是“有”的意義時,變為疑問句時,既可在句首加Do的適當形式,也可將have / has,提到句首。如:

  He has a beautiful pen. —Has he a beautiful pen? / does he have a beautiful pen? 他有一隻漂亮的鋼筆嗎?

  但若have / has,的意思不是“有”時,變為疑問句時,則必須在句手加Do的適當形式。如

  I have lunch at home. —Do you have lunch at home? 你在家吃中飯嗎?

  We had a meeting last night. —Did you have a meeting last night? 昨天晚上你開會了嗎?

  (4) 原陳述句中有情態動詞used to時,它的一般疑問句,可將used移到句首;也可在句首加Did 。

  I used to go swimming in the river. —Did you use to go swimming in the river? / Used you to go swimming in the river? 你過去常常去那條河裡游泳嗎?

  (5) 當心need, dare兩個動詞。這兩個動詞既可以做情態動詞又可以做行為動詞。做情態動詞時,直接將它們移到句首。此時,若用need的問句,肯定回答時用must,否定回答時,用needn't。若作行為動詞,則用Do的適當的形式提問。如:

  —Need I come here tomorrow?—Yes, you must. / No, you needn't.

  —I need to go to school now. —Do you need to go to school now?

  —Dare you tell your father about it?

  —Do you dare to go out at night?

  英語疑問句語法解析:which, what與who的用法有何區別

  1. which 和 what 均可與名詞連用,表示對人或物提出疑問(但 who 不能這樣用)。一般說來,當選擇範圍較小或比較明確時,用which; 當選擇範圍較或不明確時用what。如:

  Which is bigger, the sun or the earth? 太陽和地球哪個大?

  What writers do you like? 你喜歡哪些作家?


  Which writers do you like? 你喜歡哪些作家?

  Which [What] will it be—tea or coffee? 這會是什麼——茶還是咖啡?

  2. which, what, who 均可用作代詞(即其後不跟名詞)。關於 which 和 what的和法區別跟上面的分析相似。這裡只談談 who 的`用法:who 一般只用來指人,不管選擇範圍大還是小,明確還是不明確均可用(當選擇範圍比較明確且用作賓語時 who 也可用或 which 或 which one 代之)。如:

  Who won—Tom or Mike? 誰贏了—湯姆還是邁克?

  Who is your favourite poet? 你最喜歡的詩人是誰?

  Who [Which, Which one] do you like best—your father or your mother?你更喜歡誰——父親還母親?

  3. 正由於 what 和 who 的選擇範圍可以很大或不明確,所以其後可以跟else,但一般不跟表示特定範圍的 of 短語;which 的選擇範圍相對比較小或明確,所以其後一般不接else,但卻常 of 與短語連用。如:

  Who [What] else did you see there? 你在那兒還看到了別人的什麼人什麼東西?

  Which of the three girls is the oldest? 這三個女孩中哪個年紀最大?


  Who of you three first thought of this? 你們三人中誰最先想到這一點?
