英語第四單元Food and Restaurants說課稿

英語第四單元Food and Restaurants說課稿


  第30課位於本冊書第四單元第六課,第四單元以“Food and Restaurants”展開學習,主要幫助學生掌握一日三餐的表達法,英語國家中最常見的飲料與食品的名稱及數字11到20的讀寫法。透過學習讓學生了解一些西方飲食習慣並能用簡單的英語在就餐時進行交談,學會表達“喜歡與不喜歡”,“談論價格”等,在此基礎上區分可數名詞與不可數名詞,瞭解行為動詞的一般現在時態,逐步培養學生樂於接觸異國文化的情趣。




  1.New words: fast, hamburger, hot dog, pizza, ice cream, sandwich, much, live

  2.Key sentences:

  ① What would you like? I’d like …

  ②. How much for…

  ③.I’ll take…, please.

  3. Make sure that students can make dialogues according to the two topics “having meals and prices”


  1.To enable students to take part in the role activities.

  2.To train the ability of working in groups


  According to the lively teaching, improve their interests in English, keep confident and dare to express in English.


  1. Understanding the dialogue and grasp the language notes.

  2. Learning how to describe one’s real or imaginary pet.


  Learning how to make dialogues in some situations


  情景教學法: 曾經有人向老外請教,What’s the best way of learning English?(學英語的最佳方法是什麼?)老外隨口便說:“Go to the United States or marry an American.(到美國去或與一個美國人結婚)。這些話就告訴我們學語言離不開環境。但是我們的學生在學校接觸真實英語的機會非常有限,他們語言學習的主要環境就是課堂,所以我們絕不能吝嗇口語訓練的時間,不能認為教學任務完不成,而隨意砍掉教材中提供的許多豐富的口語練習,要安排足夠的時間讓學生進行語言實踐,充分利用教材的優勢,組織並設計好Work in pairs, Read and say, Speak out, Group discussion和Interview等各種口語活動,創設一個近似自然的語言環境,用與日常生活相關的小對話,如起居、節假日、生日聚會、拜訪、打電話、看病、購物、游泳、體育活動等使學生有身臨其境的感覺,在樂趣中學習,在娛樂中獲益。學生想在課堂上有好的表現,課前勢必去積極準備。把生活引入課堂,再把課堂上所學到的知識延伸到生活中,這樣學生無時無刻不在感受英語,鍛鍊英語,突破口語屏障。

  小組學習和任務教學法:美國教育家蘇那丹戴克說:“告訴我,我會忘記;做做看,我會記住;讓我參加,我就會完全理解”。我們以此可以知道課堂上讓學生參與的是如此之重要。在英語課堂適當“留餘地”給學生一些自由的英語空間,有助於能力的培養。教師在課堂上,不管是在revision, presentation, practice, consolidation等各個環節甚至是evaluation都應適當的“留餘地”,讓學生有自我體驗的過程和感受英語的機會和時間,讓學生參與課堂,體驗英語。《英語課程標準》明確提出:教師應避免單純、機械的語言教學模式,應根據課程的總體目標並結合教學內容與學生生活實際,設計能充分激發學生學習興趣、貼近學生生活實際、培養學生英語綜合運用能力;課程還倡導任務型的教學模式,讓學生在教師的指導下,透過感知、體驗、實踐、參與和合作等方式,實現任務的目標,感受成功。在學習過程中進行情感和策略調整,以形成積極的學習態度,促進語言實際運用能力的提高。因此,唯有在課堂上給學生“留餘地”,激發他們學習英語的興趣,幫助他們建立學習的成就感和自信心,使他們在學習過程中發展綜合語言運用能力,從而提高課堂的有效性,提高人文素養,增強實踐能力,培養創新精神。




  1. gteetings.

  2. Play a game

  1. What would you like?

  Step I: Presentation

  1. Teach new words by using pictures.

  2. Watch the FLASH, listen and say the words that they hear.

  3. Listen and fill in the blanks.

  Step II practice

  1. Read and act.

  2. Practice in pairs and act it out.

  2. How much for______

  Step I Presentation


  Teacher: Can I help you?

  Student A: Yes, please.

  Teacher: What would you like?

  Student A: I’d like….

  Step II Practice

  Get students practice the dialogue above in two.

  Step III Show

  1.Watch the second FLASH, fill in the blanks.

  Play again. Lead them to pay attention “How much for…”、“I’ll take six.” If necessary, explain in Chinese.


  Students C: Can I help you?

  Teacher: Yes, please. I’d like some hamburgers. How much for one hamburger?

  Student C: …yuan.

  Teacher: I’ll take .., please.

  Student C: Okay. Here you are.


  Teacher: How much for one hot dog?

  Student B: Five yuan.

  Step II Practice

  Get students practice the dialogue above in two.

  Step III Listen, read and act

  1.Listen and answer:

  How much for one hot dog?

  How many hot dogs will Jenny take?

  2.Read and act.

  3.Get some students make dialoues using the pictures that the teacher brings to te class.

  3. Let’s sing a song.

  Step I Presention

  Teacher can choose one boy as the donut man and one girl as the hot dog girl.

  Teacher: Do you know the donut man?

  Teacher: Yes, I know the donut man, who lives across the lane.(解釋)

  Step II Listen, sing and act.


  1. 選詞填空(略)

  2. Homework

  1) 兩人一組,編對話。

  2)預習 Lesson 31

  5. Bb design:

  Lesson 30 Fast Food

  Can I help you? Yes, please.

  How much for…?

  I’ll take six, please.
