

  Dialogues /monologues:

  1, TUC: (Trades Union Congress)——英國勞工聯合會.

  2, This should remind Britain’s employers just how much they depend on the good-will and voluntary extra work of their staff, the TUC says.

  注意的詞語: just : 起強調語氣的作用--(是否)可以翻譯成”正是”,

  翻譯為: 這會提醒英國的僱主們自己是怎樣依賴於懷著善意且自願加班工作的員工.英國勞工聯合會說到.

  3, And if it mades people and employers think a bit harder about organizing a better work-life balance, so much the better.

  注意的詞語: organizing: 在這裡我將它翻譯成營造.

  翻譯為: 如果它能夠讓職員與僱主充分考慮一下營造一個更好的工作,生活平衡點, 那是最好不過了.

  4, It is often said that more business is done during social events than at the office.

  注意的`詞語: is done 這裡是被動語態. 生意當然是被做的咯.

  翻譯為: 經常有人說在社交場合做成的生意比在辦公室裡做成的多.

  5, One person out of eight in labor force is said to be employed by a government unit on the state or local level. is that the case?

  翻譯為: 據說, 八分之一的勞動力被政府部們或地方國有企業錄用. 是那麼回事嗎?
