

  1. 避免成為_________,作曲家斯蒂芬宋和恩努力讓他的歌曲擁有驚喜元素。

  To avoid being _________ , composer Stephen Sondheim strives for an element of surprise in his songs.

  erratic adj. 不穩定的

  informal adj. 非正式的

  elaborate adj. 詳細描述

  predictable adj. 意料之中的,墨守成規的

  idiosyncratic adj. 特質的

  2. 因為熊貓已經被疾病和乾旱所變弱,一個嚴厲的.冬天對它們會有_________的後果。

  Because the pandas had already been weakened by disease and drought, a harsh winter would have had _________ consequences for them.

  preventive adj. 預防的

  regressive adj. 後退的

  catastrophic adj. 災難性的

  unforeseen adj. 未預見到的

  moderate adj. 適度的

  3. 對於很多村民來說,婚姻實際上是一個__________,一個人即使__________愛也要得到經濟利益。
