


  1. 全世界踢足球。

  2. 昨天的課外活動是我們的班主任組織的。

  3. 透過使用因特網,我們可以輕輕鬆鬆地傳送和接收郵件。

  4. 每當她聽到這首歌,她就會想起她的童年。(childhood)



  1. Football is played all over the world .

  2. The after-school activity yesterday was organized by our class teacher.

  3. We can send and receive mails easily by using the Internet.

  4. Every time she hears this song, she will think of her childhood.

  5. Do you mind telling me how to order food online?


  6. 我希望我們的.演出會取得成功。


  7. 明天我們不去上學而是去為貧困孩子募集錢。


  8. 我認為孩子們學習讀和寫很重要。


  9. 我希望這些明星會邀請我吃午飯。


  10. 去年因為那場大雨,這裡發了洪水。



  6. I hope that our show will be a success.

  7. We will go to raise money for poor children tomorrow instead of going to school.

  8. I think it is important for the children to learn to read and write.

  9. I wish these stars would invite me to (have) lunch.

  10. Last year there was a flood here because of the heavy rain.


  1. 我非常激動, 因為我的工作是介紹每個明星。


  2. 如果你想成為一名歌手,你必須多努力。


  3. 他似乎病了, 你最好把他送到醫院去。


  4. 在貧困地區, 一些孩子因為沒有錢,不得不離開學校。


  5. 下個星期我們要舉行一場慈善演出, 我希望得到你的支援。



  1. I’m very excited because my job is to introduce each star.

  2. If you want to be a singer, you must work harder.

  3. He seems ill. You’d better send/ take him to the hospital.

  4. In the poor area, some children have to leave school because they don’t have money.

  5. We’ll have a charity show next week. I hope I can get your help.


  6. — 昨天你去了吉姆的派對嗎?— 沒有,因為我沒有被邀請。

  7. 他們中沒有一個人正確地回答了這個難題。

  8. 那次會議是以校長的報告開始的。

  9. 我的學生們記憶力很好,他們可以很快記住新的語法和詞彙。

  10. 瞧!電視已開了,但是沒人在看呢。


  6. Did you go to Jim’s party? No, because I wasn’t invited.

  7. None of them answered this difficult question correctly.

  8. That meeting started with the principal’s talk.

  9. My students have good memories, and they can remember new grammar and vocabulary very quickly.

  10. Look! The TV is (turned) on, but nobody is watching it.
