

  Feedback is a gift, they say, and it’s one of the most powerful tools in your skills toolkit as you grow as a manager and a leader. It's important to know when to give feedback and how to do so in an effective and constructive way.人們說,反饋就像一份禮物,當你晉升至經理領導層,它就成了你技能庫裡一項最有力量的工具。知道何時該給下屬反饋,透過何種有效且有建設性的方式給予反饋非常重要。

  There are a few rules that you should observe here in order to make this effective:如果你希望你的反饋能達到目的,不妨參照以下幾個方法:

  1. Always be specific rather than making sweeping statements.1.具體精準而非泛泛而談。

  Refer to a specific (recent) occasion, a particular action in order to focus the discussion on a tangible case.指的是評論特定的場景(或最近的情況),某一活動,這樣做就為了把討論的話題圍繞著具體的事件。

  2. Describe the behaviour rather than evaluating it.2.描述行為的本身而不是對它做出評判。

  Express what you have observed, and how that makes you feel, rather than making a judgment on whether a particular behaviour is good or bad.說出你所觀察到的,以及你的個人感受,而不是盲目地評判某一行為的好與壞。

  3. Focus on the behaviour rather than the person.3.對事不對人。

  A person cannot change who they are but they can change the way in which they behave so focus on that specific way of acting.一個人無法改變自己的性格,但可以改變自己的行事方式,所以請關注在事情的處理方式上。

  4. sure you’re giving feedback for the right reason.4.確保你的反饋有理有據。

  Think of what the effect will be on your relationship with the person receiving the feedback, and make sure that you’re not simply venting your frustration but rather that you’re giving constructive input.想一想這次反饋對於你及接收反饋的對方在關係上的影響,同時得確保你不只是發洩自己的不滿,相反,你在給予有建設性的輸入。

  5. Praise in public, criticise in private.5. 公開表揚,私下批評。

  If you're giving negative feedback, make sure that you do so in a confidential 1:1 setting; you don't want to be screaming at your report so everyone can hear you! If on the other hand you have positive things to say by all means do say in front of the team.如果你想給對方負面的反饋,請記住要私下一對一做!一方面,你並不想因為報告的事情吵翻天,這樣每個人都能聽到你的聲音!若另一方面你有什麼想要表達讚賞的'話,那無論如何都要在團隊面前說出來。

  Kenneth Downer的建議

  Here are six things to think about before you decide to have that conversation.對話前,首先考慮下面六件事情。

  1. Do it when you are calm and unemotional.1. 在冷靜理智的時候給予反饋。

  Yelling and banging your fist on the desk may get short term results but rarely fixes the underlying problem. Stay calm, make it a conversation.大聲嚷嚷,怒拍桌子只能治標不治本。冷靜下來,好好談談。

  2. Do it sooner rather than later.2.越早越好。

  The longer you wait, the more you miss an opportunity to fix something before it gets any further off track. As soon as you can, take a deep breath, and get it done.時間拖得越長,你就會失去了把事情都扭轉至正確軌道上來的機會。因此,深呼吸,儘快把事情解決了。

  3. Do it privately.3. 私下解決。

  People generally don’t appreciate being criticized in public – it’s a hit on their esteem, puts them on the defensive, and makes it harder to have an open discussion.人們一般都不喜歡在別人面前被批評——這樣會大大損害對方的自尊心,激發內在的防禦機制,然後就很難進行更開放的交談了。

  4. Focus on the behavior (not the person).4.對事不對人。

  Anything that sounds like a personal attack will immediately bring up the defensive shields; keep your focus on the actions that can be changed.任何聽起來有針對個人意味的言辭很快就會激起對方自我保護意識,所以話題要關注在可變的行為上。

  5. Identify the specific problem or concern.5. 指出特定的問題或擔憂。

  Saying, “your work stinks” doesn’t give him anything to go on. It’s more helpful if you can state what specifically needs to be addressed.如果你說:“你的表現真差!”絕對不會給他產生任何進步的作用。因此,你把具體的細節說清楚也許會更有效。

  6.ID impact on the team/mission.6.分析對團隊/任務的影響

  Be able to state specifically why the behavior is hurting the team.This keeps the discussion focused on the mission, as it should be.要精確地說明白為何此行為會損害到團隊發展。這樣就能把討論的話題集中在任務上,正如本來就應該的。
