As an entrepreneur of ten years I've learned all too well what failure feels like. The perpetual wheel of reinventing myself has been the only constant in my life. Ups and downs, highs and lows; the roller coaster of perceived failure can be exhausting.作為一名創業十年的企業家,我太明白失敗的滋味了。不斷地重塑自我是我人生唯一不變的`主題。那些起起落落,風風雨雨,失敗的體驗像過山車一般,讓人精疲力盡。
Success happens when we go outside our comfort zone, stretch ourselves beyond recognized limits and experience new people, places and things. Success happens outside "normal", and the only way to reach it is to walk though failure without losing your enthusiasm.成功的前提是,我們要走出舒適區,把雙手伸往未知,去感受新的人、新的地方、新的事物。成功需要一些不平凡,而唯一達到它的方式就是走過失敗卻不失熱情。
Success and failure are symbiotic-without one the other is not possible. So whatever your perceived failure is right now embrace it. Maybe you're experiencing failure for the first time, or maybe you're sitting by me in the roller coaster of ups and downs. No matter the number of failures in your tally box, know that each failure is simply a message that says, "Congratulations, you're living life!" Then take a deep breath and get ready to walk through your next failure knowing you've already achieved success.成功與失敗是共生的,沒有其中之一,另一個也不復存在。所以無論你正經歷著怎樣的失敗,去接受它吧。也許這是你人生第一次嚐到失敗之苦,或者也許你和我一樣已經經歷了大起大落。無論這是第幾次失敗,你必須明白,每一次失敗都在向你傳遞:“恭喜呀,這才是人生!”。然後你深呼吸,昂首闊步地為下一次做好準備,而內心深處卻明白自己已經邁向了成功。