


  module 2 me, my parents and my friends

  unit 1 i can speak english.


  listening and speaking


  this is the first lesson in this module. the main topic is talking about sports. after learning, the students can talk about abilities by listening and speaking.


  key vocabulary: parent, can, basketball, piano, table tennis, tennis, ride, horse, welcome, international key structures: can, can’t.


  1. to understand conversation about sports 2. to process infromation of sports in the listening 3. to ask and give information about what kind of sport one can do.


  learn to respect others when we talk with others.




  tape recorder, multi-meida, ppt.


  step 1: guessing game show some pictures and ask the students guess what they can do. step 2: warming up 1. play the recording of activity 2 and check what lingling can do. 2. check the answers with the whole class. step 3: listening 1. listen to the tape and answer the teacher’s questions. (1) who come to our school? (2) where are they from? (3) can tony swim? 2. listen again and choose yes or no. 3. listen and follow the tape. 4. act out the dialogue in pairs. 5. explain the main points in the dialogue. 1. please welcome betty and tony to our school.歡迎貝蒂和託尼到我們學校來。 welcome是“歡迎”的意思,後可直接加表示人的名詞,接地點時要用to,意為“到”,to是介詞,其句型結構為:welcome +某人+ to +某地,意為“歡迎某人到某地來”。如:welcome to my home.歡迎到我家來。 2. play football和play the piano這兩個短語分別意思為“踢足球”和“彈剛琴”。同學們需注意冠詞the的使用。球類之前不加the,而樂器前須加the。

  (二)語法:can為情態動詞,意為“能;會”,其後要跟動詞原形;其否定句在can後直接加not ,可縮寫為can’t ,意為“不會;不能”;其一般疑問句是把can提到句子開頭,句末用問號,讀時用聲調;其一般疑問句的肯定答語為:yes,主語+ can;否定答語為:no,主語+ can’t .如:i can’t speak english.我不會講英語。 — can you swim?你會游泳嗎?— yes, i can.是的,我會。 — no, i can’t.不,我不會。 step 4: vocabulary and pronunciation 1. explain that this activity focuses on some english phonemes which are difficult to pronounce for speakers of chinese. 2. play the recording once without stopping. 3. play it again and ask the students to repeat. 4. practise the sounds in paris. 5. listen and repeat. (acticity 6) step 5: speaking

  task 1: find a sport partner.

  a: can you swim?

  b: no, i can’t.

  a. what about you?

  c: sorry, i can’t.


  task 2: make a survey.調查班裡面的5名同學都會做什麼活動,然後填入表格中,向全班同學彙報。 sport



  basketball football table tennis tennis riding a bike riding a horse swimming

  step 7: test step 8: homework


  module 2 unit 1

  can betty play football?

  yes, she can. no, she can’t.

  can you play basketball?

  yes, i can. no, i can’t.


  1. read and learn the new words. 2. act out the dialogue of activity 3. 3. do wb. exx. 1-4教學反思

  it’s important to improve the abilities of listening and speaking.
