



  THIS AGREEMENT is made on 本協議於 日訂立。

  BETWEEN 協議訂立雙方為:

  (1) VOLKSWAGEN GROUP IMPORT CO., LTD.(company name in Chinese: (formerly known as Volkswagen Import Co., Ltd),a wholly foreign owned limited liability company incorporated under the laws of PRC whose registered address is at Room 519-3 Tengda Building, No. 18, International Trade Road, Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone (the “VGIC”); and

  xx汽車(中國)銷售有限公司 (以前叫做“xx汽車銷售有限公司”),該公司為外商獨資有限公司,依據中華人民共和國的法律組建而成,註冊地址為:

  (2) (the “Dealer”). (下文中稱為“經銷商”)。

  Each of VGIC and the Dealer is a “party”, and collectively are the “parties”.


  WHEREAS: 鑑於:

  A. The parties entered into a Contract with Authorized Purchaser (Dealer) of Lamborghini Import Vehicles dated (the “Dealer Contract”).

  協議雙方於 日簽署了一份xxxx授權買家(經銷商)合同(下文中稱為“經銷商合同”)。

  B. The parties agree to terminate the Dealer Contract in accordance with, and subject to, the terms and conditions of this Agreement.


  THEREFORE the parties hereby agree as follows: 故此,本協議雙方現此約定如下:

  1. Termination 第一條 協議的終止

  1.1 The parties agree to terminate the Dealer Contract with effect from (the “Effective Date”).

  本協議雙方約定從 日起終止所述經銷商合同(生效日期)。

  1.2 Each party’s rights and obligations under the Dealer Contract shall cease immediately on termination, except for the clauses which are expressed to survive termination. The Dealer hereby renounces and surrenders any and all rights granted pursuant to or in relation to Dealer Contract.


  1.3 The termination of the Dealer Contract does not of itself give rise to any liability on the part of VGIC to pay any compensation to the Dealer, including but not limited to, for loss of profits or goodwill.


  1.4 The Dealer hereby waives, releases and forever discharges VGIC,VGIC’semployees and affiliates, and any replacing dealership appointed by VGIC against any actions, proceedings, claims, demands, costs and expenses which the Dealer may now have or would have had for the termination of the Dealer Contract, including but not limited to any applicable rights upon termination of agreements it has may have had under the Dealer Contractor any applicable law.


  1.5 The Dealer by executing this Agreement, for and on behalf of Dealer and all persons and entities who at present, in the past or in the future may have, have had or may hereafter have a legal or beneficial ownership or other interest in Dealer, and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns (collectively the “Releasors”), hereby agrees to and does hereby unconditionally, irrevocably and forever voluntarily terminate and surrender to VGIC, as of the Effective Date, the Dealer Contract and any other agreements relating to the sale of the Lamborghini brand products and waives, terminates and surrenders to VGIC any and rights arising out or relating to the Dealer Contract or in connection with the Dealer Contract, including, without limitation, any and all rights, if any, to a continuation, extension or renewal of the Dealer Contract or any related business relationships between VGIC and the Dealer or any of the other Releasors after the Effective Date, which they, or any of them, may now or hereafter have or acquire.


  1.6 The parties hereto intend that this Agreement constitute a general release of all claims, demands, actions, causes of action, whether known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, that the Dealer and/or any of the other Releasors had, may have or may claim to have to the Effective Date.


  2. Obligations Following Signing of This Agreement 第二條 簽署本協議產生的義務

  2.1 Following the signing of this Agreement, both parties shall make best efforts to cooperate with each other, including providing and executing all necessary documents and materials and taking all necessary actions, to ensure an uninterrupted supply of parts and after sales services as required by customers after the date of termination of the Dealer Contract.


  2.2 Following the signing of this Agreement, the Dealer undertakes to VGIC that it shall:


  (a) Immediately inform its customers (especially owners of vehicles sold by the Dealer) of the Dealer’s closure using the mutually agreed template attached to this Agreement, and obtain the customers’ consent to the transfer of the customer’s information to VGIC and VGIC’s use of such informationsubject to the applicable laws and regulations of PRC;


  (b) Immediately execute the necessary contracts for the transfer of its repair, return and replacement obligations pursuant to the applicable laws and regulations and the Dealer’s sales contracts for vehicles sold by the Dealer to a mutually agreed affiliate;


  (c) immediately transfer, and ensure its affiliated companies transfer, to VGIC or other Volkswagen Group companies respectively, without any consideration, the trademarks registered in the PRC and/or trademark registration applied in the PRC, which belong to VGIC or other Volkswagen Group companies, and any domain names registered in the PRC, which contain the Lamborghini trademarks or name of VGIC or other Volkswagen Group companies;


  (d) immediately cease using, and ensure its subsidiaries and branches (if any) to cease using,the Lamborghini trademarks and “Lamborghini” or its Chinese translations in its corporate name;

  立即停止使用並確保其子公司和分公司(如果有的話)停止在其公司名稱中使用xxxx商標、“Lamborghini”和Lamborghini 的漢語譯文 “xxxx”;

  (e) not apply, and ensure its affiliated companies not apply, directly or indirectly, for registration of any trademarks or names (including any Chinese translations) belonging to VGIC or other Volkswagen Group companies. Otherwise, VGIC or other Volkswagen Group companies are entitled to request such trademarks and/or names transferred to VGIC or other Volkswagen Group companies, free of charge, at any time;


  (f) immediately remove and return to VGIC (or otherwise dispose of as VGIC may instruct) all signboard and symbols containing the Lamborghini trademarks; and


  (g) immediately return to VGIC or otherwise dispose of as VGIC may instruct all equipment and tools, samples, instruction books, technical pamphlets, catalogues, advertising materials, specifications and other materials, documents or papers whatsoever provided by VGIC to the Dealer and relating to VGIC’s business (other than correspondence which has passed between the parties) which the Dealer may have in its possession or under its control.


  2.3 VGIC agrees to return to the Dealer a total amount of RMB comprising:

  xx公司同意把 元人民幣歸還給經銷商,這個金額包括:

  a. RMB the balance held in the Dealer’s dealership account; and


  b. RMB for the return of the signboards and symbols pursuant to this Agreement via electronic bank transfer within 30 working days from the execution of this Agreement by the parties.


  2.4 Within 30 days following the signing of this Agreement, the Dealer should apply to deregister itself with the relevant government authorities as an authorized dealer of Lamborghini brand products, including revising its business scope shown on the business license accordingly.


  2.5 The Dealer agrees to maintain strict confidentiality regarding all VGIC’s confidential information, including any data, information, plans, drawings, specifications, documents, know-how, physical objects (such as models, parts or devices) or materials of or relating to the production, engineering, technology, financing, marketing of Volkswagen and Lamborghini products, personnel of VGIC, their parent corporation or their subsidiaries or affiliates, if such confidential information is not known or available to the public (“Confidential Information”). The Dealer undertakes that it will not, at any time, reveal, communicate, divulge or make available any Confidential Information to anyone, other than to such extent and to such persons as may specifically be designated by VGIC in writing.


  3. Cost and Tax Arising from the Termination 第三條 合同終止產生的花費和稅收

  Except where this Agreement provides otherwise, each party shall pay its own costs relating to the negotiation, preparation, execution and performance by it of this Agreement and of each document referred to in it.


  3.2 Each of the parties shall be responsible for its own tax liability arising from the arrangements under this Agreement.


  4. Breach of Agreement 第四條 違約規定

  Each of the parties agrees that it shall indemnify the other party against all claims, costs and liabilities suffered or incurred whether directly or indirectly in relation to breach of this Agreement.


  5. General 第五條 一般規定

  5.1 This Agreement is governed by the laws of the PRC. Any dispute arising out of or in con
