


  Dear Sir or Madam,

  At the request of Mr. Muller Zhang, I am pleased to write this letter of recommendation in support of his application for admission to graduate study at your university. I am a senior professor specialized in the field of criminology for over 30 years, and have once pursued advanced studies in the University of Leicester in Great Britain. As the dean of the Department of Public Security at the University of Public Security, I have a close understanding of Mr. Zhang‘s academic capability.

  It was at the period of freshmen‘s military training that Mr. Muller Zhang first drew my attention. For all the arduous and exhausting military training, he continued to self-study at his spare time after conscientiously completing all the assigned training tasks. What strongly impressed me and was generally acknowledged to all the other teachers in our department was his intense craving for knowledge, the extraordinary diligence and perseverance demonstrated all through his four-year college life in his studies, and his outstanding academic performance. When he was a junior, I delivered the course of Studies of Accident Prevention to him and his class, which gained me a better and an all-round understanding of him. Mr. Zhang has a powerful ability of self-study, which enabled him to grasp what I taught within a short time, and put forward his own viewpoints after he consulted and finished reading a vast literature written in English with good combination of domestic research findings. Thus, he has enlarged his scope of knowledge and improved his ability to analyze and solve practical problems to a greater extent. He could always come up with novel ideas which were greatly appreciated and highly commended. Mr. Zhang is exceedingly interested in criminology, spending most of his spare time studying the specialized books in the library. Moreover, his proficient English was of great help for him to self-study those books in the original related to his professional knowledge. His industry finally brought about a series of honors to him, consecutively receiving scholarships of first and second prizes. One point deserves merit is that Mr. Muller Zhang has exhibited an overwhelming ability of organization, marvelous leadership, a keen teamwork spirit and an excellent and harmonious relationship with people around him.

  The idea of pursuing advanced studies abroad sprung up to him at his third academic year. He had discussed the matter with me to seek for my advice. As far as he is concerned, China‘s present research studies in the field of criminology still have some defects. Thus it is important and necessary that he pursue further studies abroad so as to broaden his horizon and enlarge his scope of knowledge. He is yearning for his pursuing his graduate studies in the specialty of crime, deviance and control at the London School of Economics and Political School (LSE). My full support of him, in a way, has helped him to confirm his decision and redouble his continuous efforts to make his dreams a reality. Mr. Zhang distinguished himself from his classmates in his English studies. His success in passing the CET-4 and CET-6 as a sophomore student didn‘t lessen his enthusiasm for English studies, instead he still kept at it each day. I think his good command of English in the four fundamental skills will greatly facilitate his studies in your university. Recently he has got a fairly high mark of 643 in the TOEFL examination, which cannot be separated from his industriousness.

  I greatly encourage him to pursue his own dreams, and firmly believe that he is bound to achieve remarkable success and realize the true value of his life in his future academic studies and researches. I have full confidence in that he will surely acquit himself splendidly and make his own contributions in this field with his meticulous attitude in scientific studies and his persevering and enterprising spirit. Thus, I am enthusiastic to offer myself as his referee. Your favorable consideration of his application will be most appreciated. Should you have questions, please feel free to contact me.

  Yours sincerely,
