


  Everyone knows how to introduce themselves, right? It"s just like those name tags organizers pass out at networking events, "Hello, my name is…" Unfortunately, a lot of job seekers have a tough time getting beyond that very basic introduction.


  Do you have a pitch about you, your skills, and accomplishments ready to use the next time someone asks what you're looking for? While conventional wisdom used to dictate you prepare a two-minute "elevator pitch," most elevator rides don't last two minutes, and most people's attention spans certainly don't.

  下次面試官問你想做什麼的時候,你能對自己的特長和成就對答如流麼?一般情況下你都需要準備一個兩分鐘的“電梯遊說”(電梯遊說又叫電梯法則,即假設你在電梯裡,只有30秒的時間來向一位關係公司前途的大客戶推廣產品且必須成功)。 但實際上正如電梯行駛不超過兩分鐘一樣,人的注意力也持續不了這麼久。

  Instead of the two-minute pitch, you should think about how to share relevant information about yourself quickly and succinctly so your target audience doesn't have time to start mentally planning out their grocery shopping list while they're waiting for you to stop talking about yourself.If you can't introduce yourself to a potential contact in 30 seconds or less, you may miss some important opportunities to impress someone important.


  Keep in mind: One trick to a successful pitch is to eliminate jargon or other language your target audience won't understand. This is especially important for career changers: don't rely on lingo from your previous career to appeal to new networking contacts. Focus your comments to appeal to your new audience and you'll be much more successful impressing them with your knowledge, skills, and abilities.

