


  1、agent: you must be there tomorrow.

  2、nicole: i don't care about tomorrow.

  3、nicole: i love you.

  4、nicole: i'm a dancer. i love to dance.

  5、nicole: it's beautiful up here. everything seems so beautiful.

  6、nicole: no one can steal a dream. no one. goodbye.

  7、rodrigo: and then she was gone. has she forgotten? i know i will not…her kiss, her smile, her perfume.

  8、rodrigo: but my world would never be the same again when she came into my life.

  9、rodrigo: didn't matter. i knew who she was to me.

  10、rodrigo: it's the right thing to do.

  11、rodrigo: when did i wake into this dream? i must have been the only person in the world who didn't know who she was.

  12、rodrigo: who are you?

  13、tv: with the disappearance of the world's most famous…
