



  1. as soon as 一…就…

  2. (not) as/so…as 不如

  3. as…as possible 儘可能地

  4. ask sb for sth.. 請求,要求

  5. ask/tell sb. (how) to do sth. 請教/告訴某人如何做…

  6. ask/tell sb. (not) to do sth. 請/告訴某人做/不做某事



  Due to/Owing to/Thanks to + N/Ving



  Thanks to his encouragement, I finally realized my dream.



  …be closely related to ……



  Taking exercise is closely related to health.



  Spare no effort to + V



  We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.



  What a + Adj + N + S + V! = How + Adj + a + N + V!



  What an important thing it is to keep our promise! = How important a thing is to keep our promise!



  1、For all that...對於這一切...... In spite of the fact that...儘管事實......

  2、Hence/Therefore, we"d better come to the conclusion that。因此,我們最好得出這樣的結論。

  3、i feel sure that...我堅信...

  4、Obviously, If we want to do something , it is essential that。顯然,如果我們想做某事,很重要的是。

  5、Before giving my opinion, I think it is essential to look at the argument of both sides.在給出我的觀點之前,我想有必要看看雙方的論據。

  6、Therefore, in my opinion, it"s more advisable…因此,在我看來,更可取的是…

  7、...is the best way to make sure that....確保...的最好辦法是...

  8、Along with the development of…, more and more….隨著……的發展,越來越多…

  9、It goes without saying that... 不言而喻,...

  10、Similarly, we should pay attention to... 同樣,我們要注意...

  11、It is natural to believe that , but we shouldn"t ignore that。認為是很自然的,但我們不應忽視。

  12、But the problem is not so simple. Therefore 然而問題並非如此簡單,所以……

  13、A case in point is ... 一個典型的例子是...

  14、However, we have to look at the other side of the coin, that is... 然而我們還得看到事物的另一方面,即 …

  15、From my point of view, it would be better if…在我看來……也許更好

  16、Further, we hold opinion that… 此外,我們堅持認為,…

  17、I believe the title statement is valid because…. 我認為這個論點是正確的,因為…

  18、Time past cannot be called back again。光陰一去不復返。

  19、Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst。抱最好的願望,做最壞的打算。

  20、All time is no time when it is past。光陰一去不復返。

  21、It can be said with certainty that... 可以肯定地說......

  22、As far as I am concerned, I completely agree with the former/ the latter.就我而言,我完全同意前者/後者。

  23、The condition of our traffic leaves much to be desired。我們的交通狀況令人不滿意。

  24、stole the spotlight from...從...獲得大眾的矚目

  25、...be nothing but... ....不過就是...

  26、It"s hardly too much to say that… 它幾乎沒有太多的說…

  27、Nothing is more important than the fact that... 沒有什麼比這更重要的是…


  29、He who has never hoped can never despair。從來沒有抱什麼希望的人也永遠不會失望。

  30、However, we have to look at the other side of the coin, that is… 然而我們還得看到事物的另一方面,即 …

  31、There is a long-running debate as to whether….有一個長期執行的辯論,是否…

  32、As stated in the previous paragraph 如前段所述

  33、Taking exercise is closely related to health。做運動與健康息息相關。

  34、there is no denying the fect that...無可否認....

  35、...between the devil and the deep blue sea 進退維谷,左右為難

  36、The data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that…透過資料我們得到的結論是,…

  37、as an old saying goes,....正如一句古老的諺語所說

  38、Do business,but be not a slave to it。要做事,但不要做事務的奴隸。

  39、As the proverb says, 正如諺語所說的,

  40、From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that….透過以上討論,我們可以得出結論…

  41、The best way to solve the troubles is。解決這些麻煩的最好辦法是。

  42、My argument for this view goes as follows.我對這個問題的看法如下。

  43、As is often the case…由於通常情況下…

  44、It can be concluded from the discussion that...從中我們可以得出這樣的結論

  45、I sincerely believe that。我真誠地相信。

  46、Nothing is more important than the fact that… 沒有什麼比這更重要的是…

  47、give oneself a chance to.....給某人一個機會去...

  48、It"s generally recognized that… 它普遍認為…

  49、For years, … has been seen as …, but things are quite different now.多年來,……一直被視為……,但今天的情況有很大的不同。

  50、He that thinks his business below him will always be above his business。自命大才小用,往往眼高手低。

  51、Taking exercise is closely related to health。作運動與健康息息相關。

  52、It goes without saying that… 不言而喻,…

  53、...pose a great threat to... ...對..造成了一大威脅(eg.Pollution poses a great threat to our existance.)

  54、nothing is more+adj.+than to+v.沒有比...更重要的了

  55、However , the difficulty lies in...然而,困難在於…

  56、The data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that….透過資料我們得到的結論是,....

  57、what"s far more important is that… 更重要的是…

  58、It has to be noticed that... 它必須注意到,...

  59、For all that…對於這一切…… In spite of the fact that…儘管事實……

  60、As far as ...is concerned 就……而言

  61、Many people insist that。很多人堅持認為。

  62、What calls for special attention is that...需要特別注意的是

  63、Overwork does harm to health。工作過度對健康有害。

  64、It must be realized that。我們必須意識到。

  65、There"s no denying the fact that…毫無疑問,無可否認

  66、As far as …is concerned 就……而言

  67、As has been mentioned above...正如上面所提到的…

  68、As is often the case...由於通常情況下...

  69、It is high time that we put an end to the (trend)。該是我們停止這一趨勢的時候了。

  70、Further, we hold opinion that... 此外,我們堅持認為,...

  71、In this respect, we may as well (say) 從這個角度上我們可以說

  72、we must do our absolute best to....我們必須竭盡全力做...

  73、From my point of view, it would be better if...在我看來……也許更好

  74、...touch sb. on the raw ....觸到某人的痛處

  75、Therefore, we have the reason to believe that...因此,我們有理由相信…

  76、In view of the present station.鑑於目前形勢

  77、Only in this way can we。只有這樣,我們才能。

  78、Similarly, we should pay attention to… 同樣,我們要注意…

  79、Some people think that …. 有些人認為…To be frank, I can not agree with their opinion for the reasons below. 坦率地說,我不能同意他們的意見,理由如下。

  80、Personally, I am standing on the side of。就個人而言,我站在的一邊。

  81、from where i stand.... 從我的立場來說

  82、All things considered,總而言之 It may be safely said that...它可以有把握地說......

  83、Therefore, we have the reason to believe that…因此,我們有理由相信…

  84、I cannot entirely agree with the idea that ….我無法完全同意這一觀點的… I believe….

  85、..has/have no alternative but to...除...外別無選擇

  86、I will conclude by saying... 最後我要說…

  87、Tomorrow comes never。切莫依賴明天。

  88、Attitudes towards (drugs) vary from person to person。人們對待吸毒的態度因人而異。

  89、In view of the present station。鑑於目前形勢
