





  ()1. A. head B. hat C. hand

  ()2. A. sad B. bored C. tired

  ()3. A. can B. could C. kind

  ()4. A. fire B. hear C. scare

  ()5. A. in the class B. in the classroom

  ()6. A. What's the matter? B. What the matter?

  ()7. A. Are you angry? B. Are you hungry?

  ()8. A. bump your head B. bump her head

  ()9. A. The dog can help him. B. The dog can't help him.

  ()10. A. They got fifty-six points. B. They got thirty-six points.


  ()1. A. on the shelves B. in the CD box C. in your pencil box

  ()2. A. No, he couldn't. B. No, you shouldn't.

  C. I don't know. Let's see. Fifi, help!

  ()3. A. No, I'm not. B. Yes, it is. C. Nothing.

  ()4. A. I can't play football.

  B. I can play basketball well.

  C. Yes, I can.

  ()5. A. I'm going to study.

  B. I'm doing my homework.

  C. She is going to study.


  Yesterday, I ___ to the park and play basketball with some friends. Amy, Lingling and I ____ in a team. I could run ____, Amy and Lingling could catch the ball ____. Our team won at last. We got _____ points, they got twenty points. We were happy. But then we felt ____. I bought some bread, we ate it together. Then we were thirsty and drank some ____. After I went home, I was ____. Amy went to bed late. She was bored and wanted me to play ____ her, but I didn't play ____ with her. I went to bed early.

  ()1. A. went B. go C. won

  ()2. A. was B. were C. won't

  ()3. A. festival B. fast C. fire

  ()4. A. wall B. well C. were

  ()5. A. thirsty-six B. thirty-six C. thirty

  ()6. A. angry B. hungry C. thirsty

  ()7. A. wall B. water C. well

  ()8. A. tired B. tried C. tell

  ()9. A. with B. which C. whose

  ()10. A. chicks B. chess C. child



  ( )1 There____ tall trees before

  A. are B. was C. were D. is

  ( )2. I ____ speak then.

  A. couldn't B. can't C. can D. shouldn't

  ( )3. You can play basketball _____.

  A. well B. good C. the best D.fast

  ( )4. In England, children sit _____ tables.

  A. on B. in C. around D. under

  ( )5. Are you sad?

  Yes, _____.

  A. I am. B. I'm not. C. am. D. not

  ( )6. What's the matter?

  I'm _____. I lost my cat.

  A. tired B. happy C. sad D. hungry

  ( )7. We _______ a mess.

  A.should making B. shouldn't make C .couldn't making

  D. should make

  ( )8. ____ jump on the bed!

  A. don't B. Couldn't C. Don't D. Aren't

  ( )9. After January, it's ________.

  A. February B. March C. August D. June

  ( )10. Amy helped her Mum _____ cakes yesterday.

  A. made B. making C. make D. milk


  1. shelf (複數形式) _____ 2. 口渴(寫出英語)______

  3. can ( 過去形式) ______ 4. kind (寫出漢語)______

  5. 按排坐(寫出英語)______ 6.一隻特殊的狗(寫出英語)____

  7. 孩子們的畫(寫出英語)______ 8. 在休息時間(寫出英語)______


  10. 我們做早操。(譯成英語)______________________________________.


  1. a boy good what


  2. you thinking are about what


  3. help the people blind can Fifi


  4. should you in class listen


  5. there lots are of games



  Fifi is Amy's cute dog. She loves to play everyday. One day, there was a fire in the house. Amy and Sam were at home. They called "help". because the fire was big, the firemen couldn't hear them. But the firemen had a special dog, its name was Coco. Coco could hear the people. She found Amy, Sam and Fifi. Then the firemen helped them out.

  "Oh Fifi, you should learn from Coco! Coco is cleverer than you!" Ms.Smart said. Everybody laughed at last.

  ( )1. Fifi is cleverer than Coco.

  ( )2. Fifi helped Amay and Sam.

  ( )3. Coco is the firemen's dog.

  ( )4. Coco can find people in the fire.

  ( )5. Coco can help the blind people.



  關鍵詞:sit start finish in the morning
