



  Personal information


  Gender: female

  Education: college political landscape: 0

  Birthday, the 1992-08-15 national: han

  Marital status: single native place: henan huixian

  Height: 160 cm weight: 49 kg

  Profession: business English working experience: 2 years

  Expect work location: xinxiang


  Industry/position: other foreign trade salesman expected monthly salary: 8000 yuan nature of work: full-time

  Education experience

  School name: jiaozuo normal college major: business English study time: the 2010-09-11-2010-09-11 degree: college degree

  Language ability

  Language: English: good

  Work experience

  Company name: cixi changling electric appliance co., LTD

  Working time: the 2015-07-12-2015-07-12

  Company size: keep it a secret

  Department: sales department

  Job classification: sales representative

  Position monthly salary: keep it a secret

  Job description: the company is a production-oriented enterprises, has its own sales team, take part in all kinds of exhibition, telephone contact the customer, on a business trip to visit customers, the exhibition hall reception customers

  Company name: xinxiang bo source water purification materials co., LTD

  Working time: the 2015-06-18-2015-06-18

  Company size: 200 ~ 500

  Department: ministry of foreign trade

  Job classification: sales of foreign trade commissioner

  Position monthly salary: keep it a secret

  Job description:

  Company name: shenzhen hua measurement testing technology co., LTD., Shanghai branch

  Working time: the 2014-09-29-2014-09-29

  Company size: keep it a secret

  Department: textile sales department

  Job classification: sales representative

  Position monthly salary: keep it a secret

  Job description: the listed company, inspection agencies, clothing, footwear, bags testing, is mainly responsible for contact with all kinds of brand or enterprise, on a business trip to visit customers, to participate in all kinds of exhibit

  Self assessment

  Positive, patient, careful, strong sense of responsibility




  性別: 女

  學歷: 大專 政治面貌: 0

  生日: 1992-08-15 民族: 漢族

  婚姻狀況: 未婚 籍貫: 河南 輝縣

  身高: 160 公分 體重: 49 公斤

  專業: 商務英語 工作經驗: 2 年

  期望工作地點: 新鄉市


  行業/職位: 其它 外貿業務員 期望月薪: 8000元 工作性質: 全職


  學校名稱: 焦作師範高等專科學校 專業: 商務英語 就讀時間: 2010-09-11 至 2013-06-01 獲得學歷: 大專


  語種: 英語 能力: 良好


  公司名稱: 慈溪市長嶺電器有限公司

  工作時間: 2015-07-12 至 2014-02-15

  公司規模: 保密

  所在部門: 銷售部

  工作分類: 銷售 銷售代表

  職位月薪: 保密

  工作描述: 公司是生產型企業,有自己的銷售團隊,參加各類展會,電話聯絡客戶,出差拜訪客戶,展廳接待客戶

  公司名稱: 新鄉市博源淨水材料有限公司

  工作時間: 2015-06-18 至 2016-12-29

  公司規模: 200~500人

  所在部門: 外貿部

  工作分類: 銷售 外貿專員

  職位月薪: 保密


  公司名稱: 深圳市華測檢測技術股份有限公司上海分公司

  工作時間: 2014-09-29 至 2015-05-31

  公司規模: 保密

  所在部門: 紡織業務部

  工作分類: 銷售 銷售代表

  職位月薪: 保密

  工作描述: 上市公司,檢測機構,服裝、鞋類、箱包測試,主要負責和各類品牌或企業聯絡,出差拜訪客戶,參加各類服裝展


