

  last sunday, i went to visit my uncle with my parents by bus. as i just sat down, an aunt with a baby in her arms got on, but there was no more seat for her on the bus. so i stood up quickly and gave my seat to her. the aunt said with a smile. "you are a nice boy. thank you very much." the baby looked at me laughing and i was very glad. 【參考譯文】 上星期天,我和父母坐公共汽車去看我的'叔叔。我剛坐下,一個抱著孩子的阿姨上車了,但車上已經沒有空座。於是我迅速站起來給她讓座。阿姨面帶微笑地說:“你真是一個好孩子,謝謝你。”那個嬰兒看著我笑了,我很高興。
