a birthday party高中英語作文帶翻譯

a birthday party高中英語作文帶翻譯

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a birthday party高中英語作文帶翻譯1

  We had a birthday party for Amy last Thursday.Her parents bought lots of food and drinks for us.

  We brought many presents for her. Each of us gave Amy a birthday card, too. We made the cards by hand. He liked them very much.

  There was a big birthday cake with 13 candles on it. We all sat around the cake. Amy made a silent wish, and then he blew the candles out in one breath.

  We danced, sang songs and played games at the party. Everyone had a good time.




a birthday party高中英語作文帶翻譯2

  Last Friday was my birthday.We had a birthday party at school.

  We held it at the break time.My parents brought me a big birthday cake.

  I lit the candles and put them on the cake.My classmates sang the birthday song to me.I was so touching at the moment.

  I made a wish that I can study well and make progress every day.Soon after that,I cut the cake and shared it with my classmates.

  Although the birthday part lasted for 20 minutes,we all felt happy.




