


  I moved that a few days ago, my mother had a disease, lie on the bed every day, I see, very distressed.At noon, my father bought a chicken, mom made soup, my stomach as early as "cuckoo" call.At this time, my mother got out of bed, Dad took a bowl of soup to drink mom.I see my mother did not eat, the father gave her a bowl of soup, in front of me, faintly said: "eat."My throat is like by the needle, do not eat.That moment, I was touched, tears to flow out, but I said: "can not."You care deeply printed in my heart, your love is not great?Silent love.

  幾天前,媽媽生了一次病,每天躺在床上,我看後,很心疼。中午,爸爸買了雞,給媽媽熬了一鍋湯,我的肚子早在“咕咕”的叫。這時,媽媽下床了,爸爸連忙把一碗湯給媽媽喝。媽媽見我沒吃飯,把爸爸給她的那碗湯,放到我面前,微弱地說:“吃。”我的.喉嚨裡像被針扎一樣,吃不下。 那一瞬間,我感動了,眼淚像要流出來,但我說:“不能。”您的關懷深深印在我的心裡,難道您的愛不偉大嗎?大愛無聲。
