《愛情筆記》是一部細膩生動的戀愛過程全記錄。 其間,才子德波頓細述一段情緣中的邂逅、迷戀、平凡中的幸福、熟悉後的倦怠、女友移情別戀、挽回無望、自殺、醒悟,以至一段情完全成為過去。他認真思辯自己的感覺,忠實記下與女友交往中的各個細節,特別是心理和哲學層面的思考,文字生動、處處機鋒,不僅有極大的閱讀樂趣,閱畢更令人回味無窮。
作者簡介:阿蘭·德波頓(Alain de Botton),英倫才子型作家,生於1969年,畢業於劍橋大學,現住倫敦。著有小說《愛情筆記》(1993)、《愛上浪漫》(1994)、《親吻與訴說》(1995)及散文作品《擁抱逝水年華》(1997)、《哲學的慰藉》(2000)、《旅行的藝術》(2002)。他的.作品已被譯成二十幾種文字。
1,However, reaching the door of 23a Liverpool Road, awed by the dangers of misreading the signs, I concluded that the moment to propose metaphorical coffee had not yet arisen.
awe:敬畏 【短語片語】①stand in awe of:敬畏 ②be in awe of:對……望而生畏
2,But after such a tense and chocolate-rich meal, my stomach suddenly developed different priorities, and I was forced to ask to be allowed up to the flat.
be forced to:被迫,不得不
3,I followed Chloe up the stairs, into the living room and was directed to the bathroom.
be directed to:直奔
4,Emerging a few minutes later with my intentions unaltered, I reached for my coat and announced, with all the thoughtful authority of a man who has decided restraint would be best and fantasies entertained in weeks previous should remain just that, that I had spent a lovely evening, hoped to see her again soon and would call her after the Christmas holidays.
幾分鐘後, 我出來了,想法沒有改變。一個男人經過深思熟慮,找到所有理由,決定最好還是剋制自己,讓幾個星期以來的狂熱幻想埋在心底。我拿起外套,對心愛的人說,今晚我過得非常愉快,希望很快見到她,聖誕假期後就給她打電話。
restrain:剋制,抑制,束縛 【短語片語】①without restrain:無拘無束 ②dietetic restrain:忌口