




  The Lantern Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday, as far back as two thousand years ago in the western han dynasty, yuanxiao watching lanterns began in the Ming emperor of the eastern han dynasty period.

  Ming emperor ordered this one night in the palace and temple worship Buddha light, make the cremation of the subaltern hanging lamp. So now have yuanxiao randeng custom. Evening I with her mom and dad grandpa's grandmother to eat dumplings, sweet and delicious. After dinner, we went out to play. I saw a round moon hung in the sky, families are lit up the red lanterns, firecrackers was deafening, all the fireworks a split, some like chrysanthemum in full bloom, beautiful.

  What a lot of people we came to the north, civic square! The flying sky lantern. We also bought a kongmin light. First of all, we tied a piece of wax, the bottom of the sky lantern and lit with fire, and seize the four angles of kongmin light with the hand, after a while, light filled with hot air, gradually, we can slowly loosen the hand, kongmin light slowly fly to heaven.

  I quickly made a wish. Over kongmin light high, like to play with the moon. Is really a happy Lantern Festival.



  我們來到江北 ,市民廣場的人真多啊!滿天飛舞著孔明燈。我們也買了個孔明燈。首先,我們把一塊蠟綁在孔明燈底部,然後用火點燃,再用手拿住孔明燈的四個角,過了一會兒,燈裡充滿熱氣,漸漸地鼓起來,我們就慢慢地鬆開手,孔明燈緩緩地飛上天。



  The fifteenth day of the annual is in the history of Chinese traditional festival - the Lantern Festival. On this day, every household to eat dumplings, lanterns. As a symbol of reunion, HeHeMeiMei.

  In 2016, the Lantern Festival is my most memorable. That night, I and my grandpa, grandma, and mom and dad after eating sweet sweet sweet dumplings together to appreciate lanterns in zhongshan park.

  We came to the park, I saw in the park lights, people mountain people sea, very busy. At the park gate is a giant lanterns, composed of eight dragon flashing lights, are spectacular. In seven stars in the pool, a beautiful lotus fairy stand tall in the bright lotus, as if in blessing people longevity and health! I also see a moon in the modelling of lanterns, beautifully made, attracted a lot of people around to watch around it. A tall tree decorated with lanterns of bees, butterflies, formative, the breeze blows, to fly, as if to tell people to "spring is coming, spring is coming. There are so many gorgeous, modelling beautiful lanterns, attracts people to take pictures, leave a permanent memorial.

  How impressive the Lantern Festival in 2008, how happy night. Walk on the way home, I can't help but look up and see the moon is high up in the sky, is so bright, I seem to see the moon fairy holding her beloved yutu is watching the earth with relish this yuanxiao nights.




