格林童話故事第167篇:鸕鷀和戴勝The bittern and the hoopoe

格林童話故事第167篇:鸕鷀和戴勝The bittern and the hoopoe


  有人問老牧人:"你最喜歡在哪兒放牛?"他說:"就在草兒既不肥也不瘦的地方,先生。不然就放不好。""為什麼會不好?"那人又問。 "你沒聽到草地那邊傳來的悲號嗎?"牧人答道,"那是鸕鷀,他從前是個牧人,戴勝也是,我來給你講講這個故事吧:鸕鷀在肥綠的草地上放牧牛群,這裡遍地花草,牛群也遍地撒野,難以管束。而戴勝卻把牛群趕到高山上的不毛之地,這裡風吹沙揚,牛群也變得瘦骨嶙峋,綿軟無力。到了傍晚,牧童們想趕牛回家,鸕鷀卻不能把牛兒趕到一塊,它們太興奮了,跑得漫山遍野都是。'回來,牛兒,回來'鸕鷀高聲吆喝,但根本沒用,牛兒毫不理會。而戴勝呢,他甚至不能讓牛兒站起來,它們已是那樣地軟弱無力了。'起來,起來,起來,'他尖叫,但一切都是徒勞,它們總是一動不動地臥在沙地上。那就是不加選擇的後果。直到今天,他們不再看管牛群了,鸕鷀還在悲號:'回來,牛兒,回來。'

  而戴勝則'起來,起來,起來。 '叫個不停。 "



  The bittern and the hoopoe

  "Where do you like best to feed your flocks?" said a man to an old cow-herd. "Here, sir, where the grass is neither too rich nor too poor, or else it is no use." - "Why not?" asked the man. "Do you hear that melancholy cry from the meadow there?" answered the shepherd, "that is the bittern; he was once a shepherd, and so was the hoopoe also,--I will tell you the story. The bittern pastured his flocks on rich green meadows where flowers grew in abundance, so his cows became wild and unmanageable. The hoopoe drove his cattle on to high barren hills, where the wind plays with the sand, and his cows became thin, and got no strength. When it was evening, and the shepherds wanted to drive their cows homewards, the bittern could not get his together again; they were too high-spirited, and ran away from him. He called, "Come, cows, come," but it was of no use; they took no notice of his calling. The hoopoe, however, could not even get his cows up on their legs, so faint and weak had they become. "Up, up, up," screamed he, but it was in vain, they remained lying on the sand. That is the way when one has no moderation. And to this day, though they have no flocks now to watch, the bittern cries, "Come, cows, come," and the hoopoe, "Up, up, up."


  為寶寶讀童話書 呵護童心




