


  One afternoon, our class on the class, for a moment, I play footsie in the drawer, the teacher saw this, I think: the teacher will criticize me. The results surprised me, the teacher should not criticize me, but all eyes staring at me, as if to say: "now is the time to have a class, don't fidget, to concentrate on what the teacher says." I understand her meaning, immediately perks, listen to the teacher attentively.

  Another time, the language test paper hair down, I have a 91 points, the mood is very sad, and fault is carelessness. Just then, a teacher with encouraging eyes looking at me, as if to say to me: "don't be disappointed, the next was serious, must be able to get good grades."

  The teacher's eyes really can speak. Whenever I do something wrong, the teacher always use eyes suggested me to correct.Whenever I encounter setbacks in learning, and teachers to use her eyes which can speak, summon up my confidence to overcome difficulties. I'll never forget the ailing amiable teacher, more won't forget the teacher will talk eyes.


  一天下午,我們班在上課,上了一會兒,我在抽屜裡搞小動作,老師看見了,我想:老師一定會點名批評我.結果出乎我意料,老師居然不是大聲批評我,而是目不轉睛的盯著我,好像在說:"現在是上課的時候,不要搞小動作,要專心聽課 .”我明白了她的意思,立刻昂首挺胸,專心聽課.


