Herald Journal
v. 預示,預告;傳達,通報
n. 傳令官,通報者;使者,先驅
The song of birds heralds spring.
鳥鳴報春到。Dawn is the herald of day.
曙光是白晝的.先驅。The crocus is a herald of spring.
報春花是春天的預兆。In England, the cuckoo is a herald of spring.
在英格蘭,布穀鳥是春天的信使。The fall of a leaf heralds the advent of autumn
n. 日報,雜誌;日記;日誌
The special journals include cash receipts journal, cash payments journal, sales journal, and purchase journal.
特種日記賬主要包括現金收入日記賬、現金支出日記賬、銷貨日記賬和購貨日記賬。The simplest type of journal is called a general journal.
最簡單的日記賬為普通日記賬。You can subdivide the journal into a number of special journals.
你可以將日記賬再分成特種日記賬。The journal is a best present for him.
這本日記對他來說是最好的禮物。The study is in the Lancet Medical Journal.