


  1、Blink your eyes look, I will die, and then blink your eyes look, I will live, keep your eyes to blink to blink, I was half alive.你的眼睛眨一下,我就死去,你的眼睛再眨一下,我就活過來,你的眼睛不停地眨來眨去,於是我便死去活來。

  2、Bobaehan Goai, my heart will always be with you; your heart with my blood, your pace is my life rhythm; even all lovesickness are turned into dust, I never give up.寶貝吾愛,我的心與你同在;你的心跳連著我的血脈,你的步伐是我生命的節拍;即使所有的相思都化作塵埃,我也永不言敗。

  3、I have many words, only one sentence I want to tell you: and you, you are everything, you are not around, everything is you.我沒有多的言語,只有一句話要告訴你:和你在一起,你是一切,沒有你在身邊,一切是你。

  4、I need you, just like the winter cotton-padded jacket, the summer ice cream, the bulb in darkness, starvation in bread -- I can’t live without you!我需要你,就像冬天裡的棉襖,夏天裡的雪糕,黑暗中的燈泡,飢餓中的麵包我不能沒有你!

  5、I wait for your heart, infatuation, and I will never give up, don’t make me sad, you are my sweetheart, I sincerely hope that this represents, to win your heart, wish happy, don’t have no conscience.我以痴心,靜待你芳心,海枯石爛我不會死心,別叫我傷心,你是我甜心,這代表我真心,希望贏得你的心,祝歡心,別沒良心。

  6、If loving you is wrong, I don’t want to; is equal to if not you, I would rather the fault of a lifetime!如果愛你是錯的話,我不想對;如果對是等於沒有你的話,我寧願一輩子的錯!

  7、Miss you miss you miss you, find a painter painting under you, keep you posted in the cup, drink water everyday I love you!想你想你好想你,找個畫家畫下你,把你貼在杯子裡,天天喝水親親你!

  8、Not because the only think you lonely, but because you want to be lonely. I feel so lonely, just because I think too deep.不是因為寂寞才想你,而是因為想你才寂寞。孤獨的感覺之所以如此之重,只是因為想得太深。

  9、Others can give you, I can’t give you. But I’m sure I can give you, others can never give! You have my word.別人能給你的,我不一定能給你。但我保證我能給你的,別人永遠給不了!我保證!

  10、See go, bye. One day, to heart. Rack one’s brains, want to have to push the heart. Does your heart, don’t understand my heart.見傾心,再見痴心。終日費心,欲得芳心。煞費苦心,想得催心。難道你心,不懂我心。

  11、The love letter I wrote it, Rose I sent, photo I took it, call was made by me, it is my hair!情書是我寫的,玫瑰是我送的,照片是我拿的,電話是我打的,資訊是我發的!

  12、The previous five hundred review, pass in exchange for this life. If you really, I am willing to thousands of times to meet with you, to tell you:" I want to see you".前世的五百次回眸,換來今生擦肩而過。如果真的是你,我願萬次與你相遇,告訴你:“好想好好見你”。

  13、To meet you, I love you; love you, is my life happiness; to lose you, is my life; without you, can’t feel the shock of the soul.遇見你,是我一生的.幸運;愛上你,是我一生的快樂;失去你,是我一生的遺憾;沒有你,無法感受心靈的震撼。

  14、You are my life, you are toothpaste I is a brush, you are my Hami melon, you don’t love me Dutch act.你是風兒我是沙,你是牙膏我是刷,你是哈密我是瓜,你不愛我我自殺。

  15、You are my summer ice cream, winter cotton-padded jacket, dark light bulbs, hungry bread! I want to tell you" I love you".我是你夏天裡的雪糕,冬天裡的棉襖,黑暗裡的燈泡,飢餓時的麵包!我好想對你說“我愛你”。

  16、You are the woman I am a man ( nonsense); you are the most happy person that I was the most happy person ( the truth ); you are my lover that I was the happiest man ( the truth ).你是女人我就是男人(廢話);你是最高興的人那我是最開心的人(實話);你是我的戀人那我就是最幸福的男人(真心話)。

  17、You’re beautiful I can only use the vegetative to describe: the face is" seeds"; the waist is" willow" eyebrows" willow"; is; the eye is" longan"; the mouth is" cherry"; the hand is" lotus root".你的美麗我只能用植物人來形容:臉是“瓜子”;腰是“楊柳”;眉毛是“柳葉”;眼睛是“桂圓”;嘴是“櫻桃”;手是“蓮藕”。
