

  deadly seriousness

  極為嚴肅的Solemnity or dignity of manner.

  嚴肅或莊嚴的舉止An earnest admonition or reproof;a reprimand.

  嚴肅的勸誡或責怪;斥責You should be serious in class. Don't behave in a noisy, gay, and boisterous manner.

  你上課要嚴肅,不準嬉皮笑臉。The consular official wore a rather solemn expression.

  領事館官員臉上的表情相當嚴肅。Pierce's open, freckled face was grave

  皮爾斯那張有雀斑的大臉龐顯得嚴肅莊重。The airwaves are noisy with nonsense at a time when we need serious, substantive information.

  當我們需要嚴肅而真實的資訊的時候,電視廣播卻是充斥著廢話的噪聲。This light-hearted award helps underscore just how dominant the World No.1 player was in2006.

  這個不那麼嚴肅的獎項更能看出2006年世界頭號選手的實力。A person regarded as obnoxiously puritanical.

  清教徒的禁慾主義,嚴肅拘謹的人被認為令人反感的清教徒式的人My unsoiled name, the austereness of my life, my word vouched against yours, will outweigh your accusation.



  adj. 冷峻的;表情嚴肅的;鄭重的;莊嚴的;隆重的

  Solemnity or dignity of manner.

  嚴肅或莊嚴的舉止The ceremony proceeded in a solemn atmosphere.

  儀式在莊嚴的氣氛中進行。They watched the solemn ceremony.

  他們觀看那莊嚴的儀式。The inauguration was a solemn event.

  就職典禮是一件隆重的大事。A solemn occasion; ceremonial garb.



  n. 嚴肅,一本正經

  Solemnity or dignity of manner.

  嚴肅或莊嚴的舉止The ceremony proceeded in a solemn atmosphere.

  儀式在莊嚴的氣氛中進行。They watched the solemn ceremony.

  他們觀看那莊嚴的儀式。The inauguration was a solemn event.

  就職典禮是一件隆重的大事。A solemn occasion; ceremonial garb.

