

  班級________姓名__________ 學號_____


  一、聽音,給圖片標號 10分

  ( ) ( ) ( )

  ( ) ( )

  二、聽錄音,判斷 “√”, “×”10分

  1. 2. 3.

  ( ) ( ) ( )

  4. 5.

  ( ) ( )

  三、聽音,選出你所聽到的.一項 10分

  1) ( )A. bq B. pd C. dp

  2) ( )A. i g B. l g C. i j

  3) ( )A. SLX B. XLS C. LXS

  4) ( )A. 40 B. 15 C. 50

  5) ( )A. boy B. board C. wall


  1.( )A B

  2.( ) A B

  3.()A B

  4.( ) A B

  5.()A B

  五、寫出你所聽到的數字 10 分

  1. 2. 3.

  ______ ______ ______

  4. 5.

  _______ _______

  讀寫部分50 %

  一、 選出不同類的單詞,並將序號寫在前面括號中 10分

  1、( )A. music B. science C. sports D. longhair

  2、( )A. desk B. chair C. bed D. pen

  3、( )A. teacher B. classroomC. classmateD. friend

  4、( )A. Chinese B. fat C. tall D. thin

  5、( )A. twenty B. painting C. thirty D. fifty

  二、 選擇最佳答句,將其序號填在橫線上 10分

  ( )1. Let’s sweep the floor. ----________.

  A. Good idea! B. Good job!

  ( )2. What’s her name? ----__________.

  A. His name is Jo hn. B.Her name is Amy.

  ( )3. I have a good friend. ____ is a boy.

  A .She B. He

  ( ) 4. How many books can you see? __________ .

  A. I have 12. B. I can see 20.

  ( ) 5. --- May I have a look ? --- __________.

  A.No. B. Sure.

  三、根據所給的圖片,在橫線上寫出正確的單詞 10分.

  1.Amy is a .. .

  2.The is on the desk.

  3.Mike is a .

  4. This is my English .
