



  ( ) 1. A.toy B. small C. time

  ( ) 2. A.go to school B.go home C. have lunch

  ( ) 3. A. ship B. plane C. train

  ( ) 4. A. Maths B. Chinese C. Science

  ( ) 5. A.winter B. summer C. autumn

  二、Listen and number.這些圖片被弄亂了,讓我們來整理整理吧,聽音標號。(12)

  Christmas sweater spring train dumpling Chinese

  ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


  Cc Ff Mm Oo Uu Zz Tt Kk Ww Xx



  watch TV shoes train English

  go home play football get up go to school have lunch

  六、聽音判斷對錯,打√ 或畫×(5)

  七、聽音,看圖,選擇正確的句子,打√ (10)

  1. A. Christmas is in winter.

  B. It’s cool in winter.

  2、 A. He reads books at ten o’clock.

  B. She reads books at the weekend.

  3. A. I have English at eleven o’clock.

  B. I have Maths at ten o’clock.

  4. A. I get up at seven o’clock.

  B. I go to bed at six o’clock.

  5. A. We wear shirts in winter.

  B. We wear sweaters in autumn.


  1.( )What do you like? A. Yes,we do.

  2.( )Does he like swimming? B. I like toy panda.

  3.( )What’s the time? C. No,he doesn’t.

  4.( )Is it 8 o’clock? D. It’s half past 7.

  5.( )Do we have Maths at school? E. No,it isn’t.


  一、 按照順序抄寫以下字母,要求書寫規範(大、小寫)(10)

  Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq


  1. Sam goes swimming at weekend.

  2. Lingling likes music.

  3. Daming plays basketball.

  4. Mingming watches TV.

  5. I have lunch at 12:00.
