

  West Lake or Xī Hú is a famous fresh water lake located in the historic area of Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang province in eastern China. It evolved from a shallow bay through which the Qiantang River flowed into the East China Sea. In the ancient times it was called Wulin Waters, Golden Buffalo Lake, Qiantang Lake and Xizi Lake.


  The name of West Lake was fixed as early as the Tang Dynasty (618-907). In the Song Dynasty (960-1279), the Chinese renowned(著名)poet Su Dongpo wrote a poem to praise the West Lake and compared it to Xizi, a Chinese legendary beauty. Since then, the West Lake has another elegant name Xizi Lake. And as it lies in the west of Hangzhou, it is usually called the West Lake.

  西湖的名字早在唐朝(618-907)就固定下來。 在宋代 (960-1279 年),中國著名詩人蘇東坡寫的一首詩來讚美西湖,把它和中國傳說中的美麗西子相比。自那時以來,西湖有另一種優雅的名字西子湖。並且由於它位於杭州市西部,它通常稱為西湖。

  West Lake covers an area of 6.38 square kilometers. The average depth is 2.27meters with deepest being 5 meters. Three sides of the lake are surrounded by verdant(翠綠的) mountains and one side the prosperous(繁榮的) city. After a large scale reconstruction(重建), the current West Lake has recovered the panorama(全景) over 300 years before when it reached the most prosperous period in history。

  西湖水域面積為6.38平方公里ニ深平均2.27米。西湖三面環山,一面瀕城。西湖大規模重建後,目前已恢復全景超過300年之前,它到達最繁華的歷史時期。 Centering around the West Lake, the scenic area is a national scenic area with a total cover of 59 square kilometers. There are over 60 Chinese national, provincial and municipal cultural relic protection sites and over 100 scenic areas. The main attractions include: Ten scenes of the West Lake, Ten New Scenes of the West Lake; Lingyin Temple, General Yuefei’ Temple and Pagoda of Six Harmonies and so on.


  The lake is divided into 5 parts by the causeways of Sū Dī (蘇堤), Bái Dī (白堤), and Yánggōng Dī (楊公堤 ). There are numerous temples, pagodas, gardens, and artificial islands within the lake.With ripples on the water’s surface and thickly-wooded hills dotted by exquisite pavilions on its four sides, the West Lake is one of China’s best known scenic spots.

  西湖被蘇堤、白堤和楊公堤分割成五部分,有許多寺廟、 寶塔、 花園、 和內湖人工島嶼。湖水泛著漣漪,四周山林茂密,點綴著樓臺亭閣,是我國最有名的旅遊景點之一。

  The famous West Lake is like a brilliant pearl embedded in the beautiful and fertile shores of the East China Sea near the mouth of the Hangzhou Bay.

  The famous Italian traveler Marco Polo was so impressed by the beauty of Hangzhou that he described it as “the most fascinating city in the world where one feels that one is in paradise.” As it is beautiful all the year round, the West Lake was compared by Su Dongpo, a celebrated poet of the Song Dynasty, to a beauty “who is always charming in either light or heavy makeup.”


  And the beauty of the West Lake lies in its lingering charm(韻味)that survives the change of seasons in a year and of hours in a day. Among its beautiful sights, the most famous sites are the Ten Sights in West Lake (西湖十景) .

  A collection of ten scenic views formed during the Southern Song Dynasty, they are distributed around and within the lake, and serve to show the charms of the West Lake. Each scene is unique, and when taken together, are said to present the essence of West Lake scenery, and form the core of any West Lake tour. Visitors to the lake can plan to spend their time viewing the "Ten Scenes of the West Lake".


  在南宋期間,形成了十景的說法,它們分佈在附近和內湖,有助於展現西湖的魅力 。每個景點都是獨一無二的,並且當他們結合在一起時,可以說展現了西湖風景的精華,構成任何西湖旅遊的核心 。到西湖的遊客可以計劃花一些時間在觀看“西湖十景”中。 The first one is Spring Dawn at Su Causeway (蘇堤春曉).

  It is a thin strip of land nearly three kilometers long covered with peach and weeping willow trees. In spring, with the lakeside and dew sparkling(閃閃發光的) in the morning , birds cheerfully chirping among swaying willow branches, the scent of peach blossoms wafting through the air, you'll question whether you're in the midst of paradise.

  它是一條近3公里長的土地,陸地幾乎被桃和垂柳樹覆蓋 。在春天,湖畔波光粼粼,清晨的露珠閃爍,鳥兒鳴叫在搖曳的柳枝中,桃花在空中飄揚的香味,你會懷疑你是否在天堂之中。

  The second one is Breeze-ruffled Lotus at Quyuan Garden(麴院風荷)

  This typical West Lake scene has earned its fame since the Southern Song Dynasty, when the lakeside area with an abundant growth of lotus(荷花) off its shores was known as Crooked Courtyard, and was the location of a brewery(啤酒廠). People said the smell of lotus flowers and wine blended by the cool lake breezes was intoxicating(醉人的). There are plenty of lotus plants still bloom off its shores. They stand gracefully erect in the lake, as if they knew they had visitors coming to admire their beauty.


  The third one is Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake(平湖秋月)

  At the western end of Bai Causeway is located a lakeside park which houses a stone tablet bearing the etched(鑿刻) calligraphy of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, which reads: "Autumn Moon on Calm Lake". The lake is a special place to appreciate the moon and the effect of moonlight on the land. The moon seems especially bright over the waters. The hills look purplish bathed in the moonlight. The best time for nighttime viewing is on Mid-Autumn Day.

  平湖秋月:在白堤的西端坐落著一座湖濱公園,那裡立著一塊清朝康熙皇帝的碑刻,上面寫著:“平湖秋月”。這湖是欣賞月亮和月光在陸地效果的一個特別的地方。月亮在水面看起來特別明亮。沐浴在月光中的小山是紫色的。最佳的夜間觀察時間是在中間秋那天。 The fourth one is Melting Snow on the Broken Bridge.(斷橋殘雪 )

  It is most romantic scene of the ten must-see. The stone-arched Broken Bridge is where the characters of a famous Chinese folktale, Xu Xian and a beautiful girl Baisuzhen, who is actually a white snake and named, first met and fell in love with each other.

  After a snowfall, when the snow on the more exposed side has melted(融化), with the shaded(遮蔽住、陰影) side remaining white, it looks as if a long white belt has been ripped apart on the bridge, thus earning the name "Melting Snow on the Broken Bridge".

  它是必看的十景中最浪漫的一個景點。石拱斷橋是一箇中國著名的民間故事人物 ,許仙和一個叫白素貞的美麗女孩,實際上是一條白色蛇,第一次遇見並且互相愛上對方的地方。雪後,當一邊更暴露的雪融化時,灰色的底紋上覆蓋著剩餘的白色,讓它看起來像一條長長的白帶被撕裂在橋上,從而贏得了"斷橋殘雪"的名稱 。

  The fifth one is Viewing Fish at Flower Pond(花港觀魚).

  Flower Pond Park occupies an area of twenty-one hectares on a peninsula in the southwest corner of the lake. In its heart is the Red Fish Pond, where people can relax to the sight of brightly colorful fish swimming around and to the brisk melody(旋律) of birdsong. To stay with nature

  is a highly enjoyable experience.


  The sixth one is Orioles Singing in the Willows(柳浪聞鶯).

  An imperial garden built up in the Southern Song Dynasty. Now the once-imperial garden has been turned into a park open to all. Featuring green willows and singing orioles(黃鸝), there are lawns, pavilions, and bridges that are very impressive, as well.

  柳浪聞鶯:是一個在南宋建立的皇家園林。現在曾經的皇家園林已變成了一個向所有人開放的公園。以綠色楊柳和歌唱的黃鸝為特色,還有草坪、 亭子和橋樑,也是非常令人印象深刻的。

  The seventh one is Three Pools Mirroring the Moon(三潭印月).

  Just off the southern shore of the Island of Little Oceans (小瀛洲)stand three small stone pagodas that seem to float on the water. Each about 2 meters high, when candles are placed inside on moonlit nights, the effect is of 4 moons dancing on the shimmering(閃光) night waters. The scene is especially magical when the giant glowing moon on the night of Mid-Autumn Day is overhead.

  在小瀛洲的南岸附近的水面上似乎漂浮著三座小石塔,每個高約2米, 在月光照耀的晚上,當蠟燭被放置其中,效果是有四個月亮在夜裡波光粼粼的水面上跳舞。在中秋夜圓月高照的時候,場景是特別神奇的。

  The eighth one is Evening Bell Ringing at Nanping Hill(南屏晚鐘).

  Nanping Mountain stretches along the southern bank of the Lake. At dusk, with the sun slowly drifting into the Lake on the west, a huge bell at Jingxi Temple, will ring its farewell to the last sunbeam of the day. With the prolonged bell sound reverberating across the Lake, the peaceful and sacred air offers you a perfect occasion for meditation.


  The ninth one is Twin Peaks Piercing the Cloud(雙峰插雲).

  Gaze at the skies above West Lake, you'll be rewarded with the sight of two limestone(石灰岩) mountains past the northern edge of the lake, one to the northeast and one to the northwest, five kilometers apart. On a drizzling day in spring or autumn, the two peaks come and go amongst the drifting rain clouds.


  北,相距五公里。 在一下毛毛雨的春天或秋天,二個峰頂在漂移的雨雲之中來來往往。 The tenth one is Leifeng Pagoda in Evening Cloud (雷峰夕照).

  Leifeng Pagoda is another renowned scenic spot in Hangzhou. Originally built in the 10th century, Leifeng Pagoda used to stand in front of Jingxi Temple on Nanping Mountain; However,it was failed to stand the test of time, the Pagoda collapsed in early 1900s. In 2002, Leifeng Pagoda was reconstructed; then comes back the typical Sunset Glow over Leifeng Pagoda. 雷峰塔是杭州另一著名的風景區,始建於十世紀,雷峰塔曾經建在南屏山京西寺的前面 ;然而它未能經受住時間的考驗,寶塔倒塌在 20 世紀初。2002 年,雷峰塔被重建 ,然後典雷的峰型夕照之景回來了。

  Generally speaking, it is advisable for a tourist to have a two-day tour of the West Lake and scenic spots around it. As a tourist, you will find the trip to Hangzhou both pleasant and culturally rewarding.

  Hangzhou residents have their way of enjoying the beauty of the West Lake. According to them, “The West Lake looks more delightful on rainy days than on clear days, but it is at its best after darkness has fallen”. When you are in Hangzhou, you ought to go and take in the charm of the lake for yourself to see if the comment is true. And today, we have a good chance.

