

  第1條 忙於採集的蜜蜂,無暇在人前高談闊論。

  第2條 The opportunity is always ready for people to get.

  第3條 Never fall is not glorious, can stand up again after each fall, is the greatest glory.

  第4條 Through the stone water, its power comes from days and months multiplying.

  第5條 Life is not to surpass others, but to surpass ourselves.

  第6條 Learn in the bitter, the Arts in the ground practice. Not afraid of shallow knowledge, short ambition.

  第7條 Life is pain, it is thought and philosophy to make it.

  第8條 失敗也是我需要的,它和成功一樣有價值。

  第9條 在人之上,要看得起別人;在人之下,要看得起自己。

  第10條 學在苦中求,藝在勤中練。不怕學問淺,就怕志氣短。

  第11條 Don’t dream to work hard in the sunset, when The red sun rises in sky.

  第12條 人生如果錯了方向,停止就是進步。

  第13條 努力造就實力,態度決定高度。

  第14條 要改變命運,首先要改變自己。

  第15條 Confidence comes from strength, strength comes from constant effort.

  第16條 只要不放棄努力和追求,小草也有點綴春天的價值。

  第17條 As long as the goal is moving forward, you can go anywhere.

  第18條 遇到困難時不要抱怨,既然改變不了過去,那麼就努力改變未來。

  第19條 Once you have chosen the road of life, you must bravely go in the end, never look back.

  第20條 Nobody will be able to pass the time, tried to use the time.

  第21條 To do the right thing is more important than to do things right.

  第22條 上游,是勇士劈風破浪的終點;下游,是懦夫一帆風順的歸宿。

  第23條 機遇永遠是準備好的人得到的。

  第24條 Difficult like a spring, you weak it is strong, you are strong it is weak.

  第25條 A good life should be full of expectation, surprise and gratitude.

  第26條 As long as you do not give up the efforts and the pursuit, the grass also has the value of dotted spring.

  第27條 生活本是痛苦,是思想和哲理使其昇華。

  第28條 The telescope can see far, cannot take the place of you take half a step.

  第29條 Since you look for a road, why go to inquire about how long to go.

  第30條 如果要挖井,就要挖到水出為止。

  第31條 Learn less from success and learn more from failure.

  第32條 There is no saliva and sweat, there is no success of tears.

  第33條 To change the fate of the first to change their own.

  第34條 To make a decision is not difficult, it is difficult to put into action, and persist in the end.

  第35條 Diligence can make up for the lack of intelligence, but it is not enough to make up for the deficiency of laziness.

  第36條 天下無難事,唯堅忍二字,為成功之要訣。

  第37條 從來不跌倒不算光彩,每次跌倒後能再站起來,才是最大的榮耀。

  第38條 珍惜時間可以使生命變的更有價值。

  第39條 Someone can let you pain, that your practice is not enough.

  第40條 You have to do is to make the speed of success is greater than the speed of old parents to go.

  第41條 不要在夕陽西下時幻想,要在旭日東昇時努力。

  第42條 There is not a kind of destiny which cannot be conquered by contempt and struggle.

  第43條 Don’t move, but the fence; not stride, not on board the mountain.

  第44條 A little more distraction to pay attention to others, less a distraction to reflect on their own.

  第45條 只要目標向前,你可以到任何的地方。

  第46條 The upper end of the warriors are split the wind and waves; downstream, is a coward Everything is going smoothly..

  第47條 以智慧時時修正偏差,以慈悲處處給人方便。

  第48條 Although the light spot of the firefly is weak, it is a challenge to the dark.

  第49條 Only to be thoroughly tempered, good steel.

  第50條 Do not move from the muddy path, can not ride on the flowers road.

  第51條 有人能讓你痛苦,說明你的修行還不夠。

  第52條 A truly successful person is with hard work, instead of lying in bed lying.

  第53條 人生最困難的事情是認識自己。

  第54條 有夢就去追,沒有夢想的人,靈魂是空虛的。

  第55條 A long way, a step by step can be completed, and then a short road, do not stride feet can not reach.

  第56條 No one will let you lose, unless you don’t want to win.

  第57條 志堅智達言信行果,失敗的'盡頭是成功努力的終點是輝煌。

  第58條 我要努力,以最好姿態出現在當初否定我的人面前。

  第59條 Actually lose is not terrible, terrible is lost can not afford to drum up the courage to face the world.

  第60條 Don’t settle for a small achievement. Ask yourself: my life is like this?

  第61條 A confidence, an effort, a success; a very confident, very hard, very successful.

  第62條 The trickle once stopped roaring, the vast sea stopped breathing.

  第63條 生命不是要超越別人,而是要超越自己。

  第64條 Busy collecting bees to talk with eloquence in front of people.

  第65條 世界上沒有不成功的人,只有不努力的人。

  第66條 Lie on the bed, do not feel the warmth of the sun.

  第67條 可以失敗,不可以失志;可以失望,不可以絕望。

  第68條 Can fail, can not be lost, can be disappointed, can not despair.

  第69條 It failed at the end of kin is trustworthy in word and resolute in action, success is the end of glory.?

  第70條 I will try my best to appear in front of the people who have denied me.

  第71條 按照自己的意志去做,不要聽那些閒言碎語,你就一定會成功。

  第72條 If I did not, I must, I must, must be able to.

  第73條 Believe is strong, doubt will only inhibit ability, and faith is power.

  第74條 如果我沒有,我就一定要,我一定要,就一定能。

  第75條 If you want to climb the peak, do not regard as the rainbow.

  第76條 平凡的腳步也可以走完偉大的行程。

  第77條 躺在被窩裡的人,並不感到太陽的溫暖。

  第78條 從勝利學得少,從失敗學得多。

  第79條 庸人費心將是消磨時光,能人費盡心計利用時間。

  第80條 The road to far also will come to an end, night long again there will be at the end, there will be rain again when stopped.
