


  Of all the wonderful gifts that we've been given, one of the greatest is freedom.在眾多的我們天生被賦予的美妙禮物中,自由是最偉大的禮物之一。

  Welcome to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax, I'm Faith.歡迎收聽Faith輕鬆之聲,我是Faith。

  As much as we may deny it we are free in this life. We are free in what we think, free in what we feel, free in what we say, and free in what we do. Yes, life may give us some very difficult circumstances at times, but we are still free in how we choose to react to them.就如我們常常會否認這一點,我們有自由掌握自己的生活確實是不爭的事實。我們可以自由地思考,自由地感受,發表自由言論,做自己想做的事。是的,有時生活會讓我們處境艱難,但我們仍然可以自由選擇如何應對困境。

  Many people in this life deny their freedom. They sit back in their misery and blame it on their parents, or their childhood, their health, or their financial problems. They never once stand up and take responsibility for their own lives and their own happiness.有許多人否認他們的自由。他們只是頹廢地坐在那裡,抱怨他們的父母,或他們的童年,或他們的`身體狀況,或他們的經濟危機。他們從未勇敢地站起來去為自己的生活及自己的快樂真正地負起責任來。

  The truth is that we've been given the power to choose love and joy in our lives no matter what happens to us. No one has ever been or will ever be strong enough to take our freedom away from us.而事實是我們天生就被賦予了選擇愛與歡樂的力量,不管我們的生活中發生任何事。沒有任何人(以前沒有,將來也不會)有足夠強大的力量可以將我們的自由掠走。

  You're listening to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax, I'm Faith. Don't deny your freedom, rejoice in it, cherish it, and use it every day of your life! Remember, you are free to create the type of life you have always wanted, the choice is up to you…您正在收聽的是Faith輕鬆之聲,我是Faith。請不要拒絕你的自由,和自由一起歡悅吧,珍惜自由,每天都去充分地利用你的自由! 記住:你有自由創造你一直憧憬著的生活,選擇權就在你手裡……
