

  Optimists have scoured the dictionary for superlatives to describe the future of internet education. But the cult of the Mooc – massive online open courses – took a blow last week when one of its leading Silicon Valley pioneers, Sebastian Thrun, described it as a “lousy product”.

  對於網際網路教育的未來,樂觀者用盡了詞典中所有最高階形容詞予以讚美。然而,對大型開放式網路課程(Massive Online Open Courses,簡稱MOOC)的崇拜最近遭遇了一次巨大打擊:該領域的矽谷先驅之一塞巴斯蒂安特倫(Sebastian Thrun)稱其為一種“十分糟糕的產品”。

  Students taking Mr Thrun’s online courses at Udacity performed far worse – and dropped out in far higher numbers – than those with a human instructor. Mr Thrun, who invented the self-driving car, is at least temporarily dropping out of the business. Luddites everywhere will be feeling vindicated.


  Yet the need to reinvent US education is more pressing than ever. If America’s college dropout rates are not persuasive enough – nearly half of US students fail to complete their four-year degree within six years – the fate of those who make it ought to be. Graduate earnings have fallen 5 per cent since 2000. The college premium is still there but only because the earnings of those with a high-school diploma have dropped by far more. Meanwhile, the costs of getting a degree continue to rise, which means the trade-off of taking on ever larger debt to boost future earnings keeps getting weaker.


  This is where online education comes in. Moocs can drive down costs to almost zero. Yet they will be hard-pressed to fix the cost problem if more than 90 per cent of their enrollees lose interest, which was the outcome of Udacity’s much-hyped experiment. This is twice the attrition of mainstream students.


  Yet it makes only marginal difference whether a student gets his or her education from a computer or a real live human if the content is irrelevant to the jobs market. As the economist Tyler Cowen argues in his seminal book, Average is Over , there is a larger crisis in what US students are being taught. Content, rather than medium, is the problem.

  然而,如果課程內容與就業市場無關,學生所受教育來自電腦還是來自真人只會有很小的差別。正如經濟學家泰勒考恩(Tyler Cowen)在他有巨大影響的《平均時代的終結》(Average is Over)一書中所稱的,美國課堂裡講授的內容存在更大的危機。內容才是問題所在,而不是媒介。

  Washington’s mindset is about getting students to be more like machines. But humans are destined to lose the race against the robots – just ask any chess grandmaster. The goal of education ought to be to complement rather than outrun the power of computers. Those unconvinced by Mr Tyler’s plea for a revival of humanities should take a look at the US jobs market. According to the Harvard Business Review, the US has shed 750,000 jobs in the information sector since the turn of the millennium – second only to manufacturing in percentage terms. Yet information is precisely the sector to which US college degrees are increasingly tailored.

  美國政府的教育理念是讓學生更像機器一些。然而人類是註定要在比賽中輸給機器人的——只要問問那些國際象棋特級大師就知道了。教育的目標應該是彌補計算機能力的不足,而不是要超過計算機。那些對泰勒所提倡的復興人文學科不以為然的人,應該看一看美國的就業市場。根據《哈佛商業評論》(Harvard Business Review)的資料,自新千年以來,美國資訊產業領域失去了75萬個工作崗位,降幅僅次於製造業。然而越來越多的美國本科專業恰恰是面向資訊產業的。

  Given its implications, the HBR study has attracted less attention than it deserves. Its results show that Washington’s goal of boosting the share of Americans who study science, technology, engineering and maths – the so-called Stem subjects – may be ill-conceived. It also puts Moocs in their place. Moocs can reduce costs and broaden access, both of which are highly desirable. But they have no special insight into tomorrow’s labour market.


  The trends in today’s jobs market should be startling enough. Since 2000, the number of US computer-related jobs, including hardware and software engineers, has fallen by more than 100,000, according to the HRB, while those in telecoms, including equipment and line installers, has dropped by a stunning 567,000. These are big growth sectors, in terms of revenue and margins. But they are also most vulnerable to automation. The same is true of jobs in telemarketing (down 44 per cent), electrical engineers (37 per cent) and desktop publishers (39 per cent).


  Contrast that with the jobs that grew. The number of library employees in America has risen a third since 2000. Jobs in acting were up 12 per cent, music directors and composers grew 35 per cent and writers and authors were up 6 per cent. Technology is reducing the need for most kinds of labour. At the same time it is vastly expanding the number of channels for creative output. That ought to make humanities – and the study of humans – more relevant. It makes no more sense for most people to study computer engineering than it does for air passengers to master avionics.


  Where does all this leave the Moocs? As the techno-optimists keep pointing out, we can now download the Library of Congress and Ivy League lectures for free. A few motivated groups, such as older employees trying to keep pace, reservists in the US military and ambitious youngsters in places such as India, tend to finish online degrees. But most people, including Mr Thrun’s enrollees, rapidly lose interest. The real challenge facing US educators, in other words, is to motivate the unenthused majority. This is far easier said than done. You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink.

  這一切使MOOC處於什麼地位呢?正如科技樂觀主義者不斷指出的,如今我們能免費下載整個美國國會圖書館(Library of Congress)的藏書和常青藤盟校(Ivy League)的課堂授課。少數有動力的人群——比如試圖跟上時代的年長員工、美國軍隊的預備役人員以及印度等地有進取心的年輕人——傾向於完成線上學位課程。而包括特倫課程的註冊者在內的多數人會迅速失去興趣。換句話說,美國教育人士面臨的真正挑戰是如何鼓舞缺乏熱情的大多數人。這一點說起來容易,做起來可就難多了。你可以把馬牽到水邊,但你沒法強迫它喝水。

  Insurance companies call America’s millennial generation the “invincibles”, because the young rarely worry about their health. But I prefer Mr Cowen’s moniker of the “limbo generation”, since they are worried sick about their financial prospects. The newest portion of the US workforce is saddled with more than $1tn of debts in a market that isn’t paying. Those who thrive in this less forgiving world will be savvy enough to tap the boundless resources they can get from Moocs in particular and the internet in general. Alas, Udacity’s setback reminds us that they are almost certainly in a minority. At best computers can offer a partial answer to America’s education crisis. Though we tend to cost more, the rest of it is down to human beings.

