


  bearing; tolerance


  A military Bearing

  軍人的氣度He has extensive tolerance.

  他有著恢宏的氣度。A genuine leather belt carefully made is exceptionally fine and helps you to preserve an outstanding bearing.

  真皮精製皮帶,精美非凡,氣度非凡。The gentleman was well-educated, and elegant.

  這位先生受過良好的教育,氣度高雅。The tall, gracious young woman listened attentively to these contrite words

  身材修長,氣度高雅的少婦靜聽著這些帶著悔意的言語。He swaggered out of the room, with much elegance and gentility.

  他昂首闊步地從屋子裡走出去,氣度雍容,姿態優美。Densometer: Itstrument that measures the air resistance of an area of paper.

  透氣度計:量度一面積的'紙驪空氣的阻力的儀器。Porosity: The degree of openness between the fibres of a paper. It is significant to air and ink penetration.

  透氣度:紙內纖維間的空隙情況,它對空氣和油墨的滲入,有直接的影響。but her whole visage, her whole person, breathed forth an ineffable goodness, as we stated in the beginning

  但是她的整個面龐和整個人都含有一種說不出的賢淑氣度,那是我們在開始時談過的She was a slim, petite woman, with a regal bearing that made her appear taller than she was.


  n. ① [sing.] 舉止,風度;② [U] 關係,關聯;③ [C] 方位;方向;④ [C] 機器承座;軸承。

  "Bearing up , bearing up . "

  馬馬虎虎。They censused the bear in the forest.

  他們統計調查森林中熊的數量。To bear hard upon;press.

  使痛苦不堪對某人施加困難;逼迫 The evidence has no immediate bearing on the case.

  該證據與本案無直接關係。 They bear you no ill will.


  n. 寬容,容忍;忍耐力;忍耐

  forging tolerance

  鍛件公差 Be tolerant of others so that they will be tolerant in turn

  自己活,也讓別人活;容讓別人,別人也容讓你noise tolerant use

  能耐噪音的用途 This substance increases pain tolerance.

  這種物質增加對疼痛的耐受性。out of tolerance wafer

