Secretary-General’s Message for 100-day Countdown to International Day of Peace
Today we begin the 100-day countdown to the observance of the International Day of Peace, when the United Nations calls on all combatants around the world to lay down their arms and to give peace a real chance.今天,我們進入國際和平日倒計時100天。在國際和平日當天,聯合國都會向世界各地的戰鬥人員發出呼籲,敦促他們放下武器,給和平一個真正的機會。
The International Day of Peace, marked on 21 September each year, offers an opportunity for the world to pause, reflect and consider how best to break the vicious cycle of violence that conflict creates.我們在每年的9月21日開展活動紀念國際和平日,使全世界都有機會放下手頭的事務進行反省,並考慮如何才能打破衝突所造成的惡性暴力迴圈。
The theme for the Day this year is “Education for Peace”. The United Nations will examine the role education can play in fostering global citizenship. It is not enough to teach children how to read, write and count. Education has to cultivate mutual respect for others and the world in which we live, and help people forge more just, inclusive and peaceful societies.今年國際和平日的主題是“教育促進和平”。聯合國將審查教育在加強全球公民意識方面發揮的作用。教育不僅是要讓兒童學會讀寫和算術。教育還必須讓人們學會在我們生活的.世界中與他人相互尊重,並幫助人們建立一個更加公正、包容與和平的社會。
This kind of education is a central focus of my Global Education First Initiative, which calls on governments to place education at the top of their agenda.這種教育正是我發出的“全球教育第一倡議”的核心所在,我在倡議中呼籲各國把教育作為政府的第一要務。
I call on everyone – whether governments, parties to conflicts, religious institutions, community leaders, the media, academics, or civil society groups – to play their part. We must support peace education programmes, protect students and teachers from conflict, help rebuild schools destroyed by war, and ensure all girls and boys have access to a quality education that includes learning about resolving and preventing conflicts.我呼籲各國政府、衝突方、宗教機構、社群領袖、媒體、學術界、民間社會團體及其他所有方面發揮各自的作用。我們必須支援和平教育方案,保護學生和教師不受衝突影響,幫助重建被戰爭破壞的學校,確保女童男童都有機會接受優質教育,並把學習解決和預防衝突作為這種教育的一部分。
Over the next 100 days, let us resolve to learn together how to create a universal culture of peace.讓我們在未來的100天內共同學習,為創造一種普遍的和平文化而努力。