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拼音 chèn huǒ dǎ jié
▸ 見義勇為 ▸ 普渡眾生 ▸ 解衣衣人 ▸ 劫富濟貧 ▸ 除暴安良 ▸ 雪中送炭 ▸ 扶危濟困 ▸ 錦上添花 ▸ 撫危濟貧 ▸ 濟困扶危 ▸ 好善樂施
⒈ 利用失火的混亂時機行劫,比喻趁人之危,從中取利。
英try to profit from another’s misfortune; rob the owner while his house is on fire;
見義勇為: 意識到是正義之舉就大膽去做。英see what is right and have the courage to do it; be ready to take up the cudgets for a just cause; do boldly what is righteous; be zealous in doing what is righteous in seeing it;
普渡眾生: 同“普度眾生”。
解衣衣人: 脫下衣服給別人穿。謂施惠於人。參見:解衣推食。
劫富濟貧: 舊指一些有正義感的強盜劫取富家的財物分發給貧苦人。英rob the wealthy to aid the needy;
除暴安良: 除掉為非作歹的暴徒,使善良的人民安居樂業。英weed out the wicked and let the law-abiding citizen live in peace;
雪中送炭: 下雪天送炭給人。比喻在他人急需時給以及時的幫助。例只有錦上添花,那得雪中送炭。——明·凌濛初《初刻拍案驚奇》英help in one’s hour of need;
扶危濟困: 幫助生活或處境困難的人。例你我是行俠仗義,理宜扶危濟困,翦惡除奸。——《三俠五義》英help the people in trouble; help those in distress and lend support to those in danger or in need;
錦上添花: 在美麗的錦織物上再新增鮮花。比喻略加修飾使美者更美,引伸比喻在原有成就的基礎上進一步完善。例又要涪翁作頌,且用錦上添花。——黃庭堅《了了庵頌》英be blessed with a double portion of good fortune;
濟困扶危: 亦稱“扶危濟困”,指救濟、扶助生活困難或境況危急的人。英help those in distress and aid those in peril;
好善樂施: 樂於行善,喜歡施捨。例夫妻兩口,為了疏財仗義,好善樂施。——《初刻拍案驚奇·張員外又撫螟蛉子》英charitable;