注音 ㄗˋ ㄍㄢ ㄉㄨㄛˋ ㄌㄨㄛˋ
拼音 zì gān duò luò
⒈ 不知自重自愛,甘心落後和腐敗。
英wallow in degeneration; abandon oneself to vice;
臥薪嚐膽: 身臥於柴薪,口嘗著苦膽。比喻發奮磨礪,時刻不忘雪恥。例此臣子痛心切骨,臥薪嚐膽,宜思所以報也。——《宋史·胡巨集傳》越勾踐臥薪嚐膽欲報吳。——《吳越春秋》英stoop to conquer; firm resolve in danger to wipe out a national humiliation;
力爭上游: 盡力爭取先進。例動員大家力爭上游,完成計劃。英endeavor to gain the upper hand; strive for the best; aim high;
奮發圖強: 振作精神,努力工作,以謀求強盛。英go all out to make the country strong; work energetically for the prosperity of the country;
急起直追: 立即行動起來,努力向前追趕。