注音 ㄙˋ ㄨˊ ㄐ一ˋ ㄉㄢˋ
拼音 sì wú jì dàn
▸ 投鼠忌器 ▸ 循規蹈矩 ▸ 中規中矩 ▸ 規行矩步 ▸ 依頭順尾
⒈ 恣意妄行,毫無顧忌。
英without scruple; with impunity;
⒉ —《元史·盧世榮傳》
投鼠忌器: 投打靠近器物的老鼠怕傷了器物。比喻想打擊壞人而又有所顧忌,怕傷害好人而不敢作為。英throw something at a rat,but afraid to break the vase; caution in taking action; burn not your house to rid it of the mouse; spare the rat to save the dishes; those who live in grass house should not throw stones;
循規蹈矩: 適合常規和習俗。例與鎮上循規蹈矩的人合不來。英nice; act with directions; follow the usual rules and regulations; toe the line;⒉ 也用於形容拘守成規,不敢有所變動。例皆因看的你們是三四代的老媽媽,最是循規蹈矩。——《紅樓夢》
規行矩步: 循規的行為與蹈矩的舉止。比喻品行方正。例他們被教誨學習溫文雅靜,怎麼聖人一樣規行矩步。——柯靈《遙夜集》英behave correctly and cautiously; be strictly upright and correct in behaviour;⒉ 比喻墨守舊法,不知變通。例今士循常習故,規行矩步,積階級累閥閱,碌碌然以取世資。——《晉書》英stick to established practice; follow the beaten track;
依頭順尾: 謂對上下各方都聽從、依順。