注音 ㄎㄨㄥ ㄍㄨˇ ㄗㄨˊ 一ㄣ
拼音 kōng gǔ zú yīn
▸ 多如牛毛 ▸ 比比皆是 ▸ 舉不勝舉 ▸ 不勝列舉 ▸ 門庭若市
⒈ 空曠的山谷裡聽到的人的腳步聲。比喻十分難得,極為可貴的。
英the sound of footsteps in a deserted valley-a news or a statement which one does not hear often,or a thing that was seldom to found;
多如牛毛: 牛身上的毛多得誰也數不清。比喻極多。例比年以來,新頒法規,多如牛毛。——清·梁啟超《論資政院之天職》少校、上校,多如牛毛。英as thick as June blackerries; more than combinations to a Rubic cube;
比比皆是: 比比:到處,處處。形容遍地都是。例清明靈秀之氣所秉者,上自朝廷,下至草野,比比皆是。——《紅樓夢》朝為師生而暮若途人者,比比皆是。——明·陶宗儀《輟耕錄》英ubiquitous; can be found everywhere;
舉不勝舉: 舉也舉不盡,形容極其多。例公開告密,賣友求榮,賣身投靠的勾當,舉不勝舉。——魯迅《偽自由書》英be too numerous to list;
不勝列舉: 無法一一全舉出來,形容為數極多。例至於花型、式樣更是多到不勝列舉。奇蹟之多,簡直不勝列舉。英too numerous to be counted; can be multiplied indefinitely;
門庭若市: 門庭如同鬧市。形容登門求見者甚多。例群臣進諫,門庭若市。——《戰國策·齊策》廠長家常常門庭若市。英much visited house with the courtyard as crowded as a marketplace; be swarmed with visitors;