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⒈ 沒有蹤跡可以尋求。多謂處事為文不著痕跡。
按圖索驥: 驥:好馬、千里馬;索:尋找。原指按照伯樂的《相馬經》去尋求好馬。英look for a noble steed with the aidof its picture; look for sth.according to information at one's disposal; look for sth.by a plan chart;⒉ 引申為依照既得的線索去尋找目的物。諷喻拘泥成法、食古不化、不知權變的人。英lacking originality; initiative or imagination in doing a job;
來龍去脈: 原是過去風水先生的說法,認為山勢如龍,從頭到尾都有血脈連貫。現在常用來比喻事物的來歷或事情的前因後果。例檔案的來龍去脈。英pedigree; origin and course of development; cause and effect; ins and outs; sequence of actions; ways and wherefores; whence and wither;