注音 ㄞ ㄐ一ㄢ ㄘㄚ ㄅㄟˋ
拼音 āi jiān cā bèi
⒈ 形容人群擁擠。
敬而遠之: 雖然敬重,但不願與之接近。英stay at a respectful distance from sb.;
地廣人稀: 地方大,人口少。形容荒涼。例楚越之地,地廣人希(稀)。——《史記·貨殖列傳》英with much land and few people; small population for a large area; vast and sparsely populated area;
冷冷清清: 死氣沉沉;冷落、淒涼、寂寞。例會議開得冷冷清清。英abscence of lively atmosphere; be cheerless and lonely; be poorly attended; in a desolate state; in quiet isolation;