注音 ㄞ ㄏㄨㄟˇ ㄍㄨˇ ㄌ一ˋ
拼音 āi huǐ gǔ lì
⒈ 亦作“哀毀瘠立”。
眉開眼笑: 形容非常高興的神態。例小梅喜得眉開眼笑的。英be all smiles; beam with joy;
滿面春風: 形容內心的喜氣顯露於面部。英be beaming with satisfaction; be radiant with happiness;
哀而不傷: 精神上煩惱或憂慮但不至於傷害身心。英be sentimental but not mawkish; pathetic sentiments not carried to the extreme; deeply felt but not sentimental;
笑逐顏開: 笑容滿面,喜形於色。例宋江見了,喜從天降,笑逐顏開。——《水滸傳》英beam with smiles; be all smiles; be wreathed in smiles; smile happily;