
注音 ㄖㄨˇ ㄒ一ㄡˋ ㄨㄟˋ ㄍㄢ

拼音 rǔ xiù wèi gān




⒈  身上的奶腥味還沒有退盡。譏刺人幼稚無知。

識途老馬:  比喻熟悉某種事情,經驗豐富的人。英an old horse which knows the way;

飽經滄桑:  經歷的世事變化多,閱歷豐富。例飽經滄桑的一生。英having experienced great changes in the world;

羽毛豐滿:  發展成熟、強大。例有羽毛豐滿而高棲於奧援者,令人可望而不可即。——清·佚名《杜詩言志》英become full-fledged;

頭角崢嶸:  形容少年不凡,才能突出,早期嶄露頭角。英be very promising; showing extraordinary gifts;

後生可畏:  後生:青年人。青年人可以積學成德,值得敬畏。例後生可畏,焉知來者不如今也。——《論語·子罕》英a youth is to be regarded with respect—the younger generation will surpass the older;

老而彌堅:  彌:更加。人雖已老,但志向卻更加堅定。

老馬識途:  比喻富於經驗堪為先導。例老馬識途添病骨,窮猿投樹擇深枝。——清·黃景仁《兩當軒集》英an experienced man knows the ropes; knowledge of a veteran; an old hand is a good guid as an old horse knows the way; the devil knows many things because he is old;

少年老成:  指人年輕卻很老練穩重。英an old head on young shoulders; be premature of the young;⒉  指年輕人朝氣不足。英a young person lacking in vigour and drive;