注音 ㄙㄢ ㄍㄨˋ ㄇㄠˊ ㄌㄨˊ
拼音 sān gù máo lú
⒈ 東漢末,劉備三次往隆中(山名,在今湖北襄陽)聘請隱居於草廬的諸葛亮出來幫助打天下。後用來指誠心誠意再三邀請或訪問。
英repeatedly request somebody to take up a responsible post; call on a famous scholar repeadedly to solicit his help; make three calls at a thatshed cottage and request the owner to take up a responsible post;
拒人千里: 見“拒人於千里之外”。
妄自尊大: 雖無真才實學,卻自命不凡,盲目驕傲自大。例子陽井底蛙耳,而妄自尊大。——《後漢書》英self-conceited; lump large; play the peacock;