最新詩歌欣賞:Bedtime Story

最新詩歌欣賞:Bedtime Story

  在平平淡淡的日常中,大家都收藏過令自己印象深刻的詩歌吧,詩歌在形式上,不是以句子為單位,而是以行為單位,且分行主要根據節奏,而不是以意思為主。還在苦苦尋找優秀經典的詩歌嗎?下面是小編為大家整理的最新詩歌欣賞:Bedtime Story,希望對大家有所幫助。

  by Wanda Coleman

  bed calls. i sit in the dark in the living room

  trying to ignore them

  in the morning, especially Sunday mornings

  it will not let me up. you must sleep

  longer, it says

  facing south

  the bed makes me lay heavenward on my back

  while i prefer a westerly fetal position

  facing the wall

  the bed sucks me sideways into it when i

  sit down on it to put on my shoes. this

  persistence on its part forces me to dress in

  the bathroom where things are less subversive

  the bed lumps up in anger springs popping out to

  scratch my dusky thighs

  my little office sits in the alcove adjacent to

  the bed. it makes strange little sighs

  which distract me from my work

  sadistically i pull back the covers

  put my typewriter on the sheet and turn it on

  the bed complains that im difficult duty

  its slats are collapsing. it bitches when i

  blanket it with books and papers. it tells me

  its made for blood and bone

  lately spiders ants and roaches

  have invaded it searching for food

  詩歌欣賞:A Poison Tree

  I was angry with my friend:

  I told my wrath, my wrath did end.

  I was angry with my foe:

  I told it not, my wrath did grow.

  And I waterd it in fears,

  Night and morning with my tears;

  And I sunnèd it with smiles,

  And with soft deceitful wiles.

  And it grew both day and night,

  Till it bore an apple bright;

  And my foe beheld it shine,

  And he knew that it was mine,

  And into my garden stole

  When the night had veild the pole:

  In the morning glad I see

  My foe outstretchd beneath the tree.

  詩歌欣賞:Baudelaires Ablutions

  by Roger Fanning

  Baudelaire, dead broke, nonetheless allowed himself

  two hours for his morning ablutions.

  (Warm water can be a 一 too.)

  His razor scraping whiskers cleanly off

  sounded like a file rassrasping

  against prison bars. Never did this man

  gulp a cup of coffee, bolt out the door

  with a blob of shaving cream on one ear,

  and go to a job. He composed himself.

  Dead broke, he explored (in prose) six waterdrops

  that quake in a corner of Delacroixs painting

  Dante and Virgil! Meanwhile, through his window

  intruded softly the spiel of a fishmonger

  as well as the stench. Many, many vendors still

  singsong their wares, as a sort of wishwash drizzle

  inducing human animals to mope, to yawn.

  We all get bored: between mainstream culture (buy things)

  and nature (in this case, rain), people tend to snooze.

  Poetry jolts awake the lucky few. I praise

  the mirror-gazing mighty poet Baudelaire,

  my hero, a fop full of compulsions,

  a perfectionist to whom a single

  tweezered nosehair brought tears of joy.

  詩歌欣賞:Cement Guitar

  All morning Ive remembered St.

  Ignacios bruise,

  jaundiced seagulls over Quonset,


  and the gross white sky.

  Days so long

  you walk home fifteen miles from the restaurant.

  Same waitress every day of your life

  and she never remembers your allergies.

  Nothing on the map but scone crumbs

  and a drop of tea.

  Just manifold food and a dead request

  to bury the last of your seven receipts.

  Mother of foster-wit, father of straw,

  I can see how silence takes the place of those

  who cut their thoughts in stone before they need them.

  Stone is the past, and the past is a form of flattery.

  Last winter, groups of children sent letters

  in sadness for the late Christmas 一.

  Addressed to those who managed the fishery,

  who named the docks and decided the colors of unfinished boats,

  the only way to read them was alive.

  To think out loud about those childrens names

  was to forget what you meant by dying.

  詩歌欣賞:Alone Looking at the Mountain

  Alone Looking at the Mountain

  All the birds have flown up and gone;

  A lonely cloud floats leisurely by.

  We never tire of looking at each other

  Only the mountain and I.


  It was many and many a year ago,

  In a kingdom by the sea,

  That a maiden there lived whom you may know

  By the name of ANNABEL LEE;

  And this maiden she lived with no other thought

  Than to love and be loved by me.

  She was a child and I was a child,

  In this kingdom by the sea;

  But we loved with a love that was more than love

  I and my Annabel Lee;

  With a love that the winged seraphs of heaven Coveted her and me.

  And this was the reason that, long ago,

  In this kingdom by the sea,

  A wind blew out of a cloud by night chilling my Annabel Lee;

  So that her highborn kinsman came

  And bore her away from me,

  To shut her up in a sepulchre

  In this kindom by the sea.

  The angels ,not half so happy in the heaven,

  Went evnying her and me

  Yes!That was the reason(as all men know, in this kingdom by the sea)

  That the wind came out of the cloud,

  Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee.

  But our love it was stronger by far than the love

  Of those who were older than we

  Of many far wiser than we

  And neither the angels in heaven above,

  Nor the demons down under the sea,

  Can ever dissever my soulfrom the soul

  Of the beautiful Annabel Lee.

  For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams

  Of the beautiful Annalbel Lee;

  And the stars never rise but I see the bright eyes

  Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;

  And so,all the night-tide , I lie down by the side

  Of my darling , my darling , my life and my bride,

  In the sepulchre there by the sea,

  In her tomb by the side of the sea.








































